SPSS Data export window freezes

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SPSS Data export window freezes

Hi There,

lately I have been working with the SPSS Data Export Wizard to export data to my local mysql server.
That worked like a charm for a while. But after two weeks, something rare happened. So here's the

When I run this syntax, everything works perfectly and the data is stored exactly where it should:

/SQL='CREATE TABLE test1 (jaar double , maand double , dag double , huishoud double , persoon
double , verpl double , rit double )'
/KEEP=jaar, maand, dag, huishoud, persoon, verpl, rit
/SQL='INSERT INTO test1 (jaar, maand, dag, huishoud, persoon, verpl, rit) SELECT jaar, maand, dag,
huishoud, persoon, verpl, rit FROM SPSS_TEMP_2'

But, since the data has over a hundred of variables it would be very useful to export the data by
using the data export wizard (file->export to database) instead.
When the wizard opens, I see the database listed 'localhost'. Selecting it and clicking 'next' causes
SPSS to completely freeze. After a couple of minutes I then get three error dialogs. First two identical
dialogs saying 'timeout waiting for server response', and one dialog saying 'A unknown error has
terminated communication with the processor'.

I'm running SPSS 20.0.0 on Mac OS X 10.7.4 with 12GB of memory.

Any help would be more then appreciated; this problem is necking me for days now.
Thanks in advance!

Dennis Hunink

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Re: SPSS Data export window freezes

See http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21480987.  IBM SPSS 20 does not support ODBC on the Mac.  So I'm surprised that you were able to initially connect.