SPSS Modeler Jython

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SPSS Modeler Jython

Chichi Shu
Hi, Listers,

I understand the python distribution coming with SPSS Statistics 22 doesn’t register in the registry.

How about the Jython with Modeler? I assume I cannot install third party modules on it either?
Is my assumption correct?


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Re: SPSS Modeler Jython

Jignesh Sutar
SPSS v22 installer installs a private version of SPSS which isn't registered in the registry. There is a way of adding an entry to the registry for 3rd party python installers to lookup the private version of python. Check out Matthew Vang's reply from the link below:

On 25 January 2014 05:49, Chichi Shu <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi, Listers,

I understand the python distribution coming with SPSS Statistics 22 doesn’t register in the registry.

How about the Jython with Modeler? I assume I cannot install third party modules on it either?
Is my assumption correct?


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Re: SPSS Modeler Jython

Chichi Shu
Thanks, Jignesh. But I’m asking about the Jython distribution coming with SPSS Modeler 16. Can we install third party modules on it?
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: SPSS Modeler Jython
SPSS v22 installer installs a private version of SPSS which isn't registered in the registry. There is a way of adding an entry to the registry for 3rd party python installers to lookup the private version of python. Check out Matthew Vang's reply from the link below:

On 25 January 2014 05:49, Chichi Shu <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi, Listers,
I understand the python distribution coming with SPSS Statistics 22 doesn’t register in the registry.
How about the Jython with Modeler? I assume I cannot install third party modules on it either?
Is my assumption correct?
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