SPSS Performance Issues

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SPSS Performance Issues

   I work for a company that uses SPSS v14. SPSS for Windows is loaded
locally onto our PC's and we access files across a remote network.

Most of the time it works well but once or twice a week it slows down and
grinds to a halt. The users complain that it crashes on them or an SPSS
session will stop responding or they get various error messages pertaining
to not being able to read the file they are working on.

We think it is to do with Network issues but the network guys swear that
the network is performing as it normally does. Invariably, the SPSS Server
gets rebooted and the problem temporarily goes away.

Does anyone know of any SPSS logs that can be monitored that might give us
a clue to the root cause of the problem. Alternatively, are there any
utilities available that could help us. Any suggestions would be most
