SPSS factor scores

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Re: SPSS factor scores

Maguin, Eugene

All: I do not see any attachment when I click on this link


I am not exactly sure what nabble is, however the attachments can be found on the website thread:  http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/SPSS-factor-scores-td5723392.html.


Where are attachments shown?


David Disabato:

Please email the attachment directly to me. I’d like to see it.

I did a little search at GMU and see that you are in Psych. I’d guess that in the psych program, there is one or more somebodys that teach quantitative methods, specifically SEM. Forget the statistics department; go see them specifically.


This started out with questions about factor scores. But it seems to me that the real problem, the problem that drove you to post here is that your SE model is not working and you need help debugging that. It might be that you’d get better help if you presented that problem AND posted to semnet rather than the spss list, even though amos is an spss product.


Regarding the factor correlations. Yes, they make sense. The factor correlations out of amos have been corrected for item reliability and so the correlations are higher but with wider SEs. That said, there’s not much difference between the spss corrs and the amos corrs, which means, I think, that the factor loadings must be very high, probably in the 90s. The other point about the factor correlations is that a pure lag 1 autoregressive model probably isn’t going to fit because such a model asserts that the (WB1,WB3) correlation is accounted for by the product of the (WB1,WB2) and (WB2,WB3) correlations (and so on). So: .86*.87 <> .82. The situation is even worse when you get to the (WB1,WB5) correlation


Gene Maguin

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Re: SPSS factor scores

Bruce Weaver
Gene, scroll right to the bottom of this message in that thread:


Maguin, Eugene wrote
All: I do not see any attachment when I click on this link

I am not exactly sure what nabble is, however the attachments can be found on the website thread:  http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/SPSS-factor-scores-td5723392.html.

Where are attachments shown?

David Disabato:
Please email the attachment directly to me. I’d like to see it.
I did a little search at GMU and see that you are in Psych. I’d guess that in the psych program, there is one or more somebodys that teach quantitative methods, specifically SEM. Forget the statistics department; go see them specifically.

This started out with questions about factor scores. But it seems to me that the real problem, the problem that drove you to post here is that your SE model is not working and you need help debugging that. It might be that you’d get better help if you presented that problem AND posted to semnet rather than the spss list, even though amos is an spss product.

Regarding the factor correlations. Yes, they make sense. The factor correlations out of amos have been corrected for item reliability and so the correlations are higher but with wider SEs. That said, there’s not much difference between the spss corrs and the amos corrs, which means, I think, that the factor loadings must be very high, probably in the 90s. The other point about the factor correlations is that a pure lag 1 autoregressive model probably isn’t going to fit because such a model asserts that the (WB1,WB3) correlation is accounted for by the product of the (WB1,WB2) and (WB2,WB3) correlations (and so on). So: .86*.87 <> .82. The situation is even worse when you get to the (WB1,WB5) correlation

Gene Maguin
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (https://listserv.uga.edu/).
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Re: SPSS factor scores

In reply to this post by Maguin, Eugene
Hi Gene,

Thank you for your input. The attachments should be at the very bottom of the webpage as Bruce mentioned. If you cannot upload them, please let me know the address I can directly email them to you. Yes, I am at George Mason University. I actually came to this listserv, because my current SEM professor did not know why the SPSS factor score correlations were different than the AMOS latent factor correlations. However, I assume this "correction for item reliability" is what is causing the AMOS correlations to have larger magnitudes. I am going to look more into this correction, but that essentially answers my main question, so thank you!

As for the model fit of the cross-lagged autoregressive model, you make a good point. I was taught in class to only do single lags, but I will talk to my professor about how to do multiple lags. I assume another alternative would be to correlate the different well-being factors (or their disturbance terms) at each time point beyond the stability paths (i.e. WB1 with WB3's error, WB2's error with WB4's error, etc.).


On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Maguin, Eugene [via SPSSX Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

All: I do not see any attachment when I click on this link


I am not exactly sure what nabble is, however the attachments can be found on the website thread:  http://spssx-discussion.1045642.n5.nabble.com/SPSS-factor-scores-td5723392.html.


Where are attachments shown?


David Disabato:

Please email the attachment directly to me. I’d like to see it.

I did a little search at GMU and see that you are in Psych. I’d guess that in the psych program, there is one or more somebodys that teach quantitative methods, specifically SEM. Forget the statistics department; go see them specifically.


This started out with questions about factor scores. But it seems to me that the real problem, the problem that drove you to post here is that your SE model is not working and you need help debugging that. It might be that you’d get better help if you presented that problem AND posted to semnet rather than the spss list, even though amos is an spss product.


Regarding the factor correlations. Yes, they make sense. The factor correlations out of amos have been corrected for item reliability and so the correlations are higher but with wider SEs. That said, there’s not much difference between the spss corrs and the amos corrs, which means, I think, that the factor loadings must be very high, probably in the 90s. The other point about the factor correlations is that a pure lag 1 autoregressive model probably isn’t going to fit because such a model asserts that the (WB1,WB3) correlation is accounted for by the product of the (WB1,WB2) and (WB2,WB3) correlations (and so on). So: .86*.87 <> .82. The situation is even worse when you get to the (WB1,WB5) correlation


Gene Maguin

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David J. Disabato
Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student
George Mason University