I think I filed a bug report on this some time ago, albeit exporting to Excel rather than Access. The error message can be ignored, you should find data is still exported correctly.
https://www-304.ibm.com/support/entdocview.wss?uid=swg1PI21063Here are the notes on the APAR:
You are using SPSS Statistics 22.0 FP1 64-bit and the Microsoft
ODBC drivers installed with MS Office 2007-2010, etc. You try to
save data from SPSS Statistics ro a worksheet in a pre-existing
workbook and you see this warning:
>Warning # 6482
>SQLGetInfo failed to obtain the DB specific limit on the length
of a column
SPSS Statistics 22.0 FP1 32-bit and associated Microsoft Excel
drivers do not show this warning.
The save completes correctly regardless of bit-ness, so this
behavior is cosmetic only and does not affect function.
Local fix
This issue will be addressed in a future release.