Script for emailing attachments by adressing Exchange Server directly (not via Outlook)

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Script for emailing attachments by adressing Exchange Server directly (not via Outlook)

Max Bell-2
Hello everybody,

Does anybody know or have a script that can sent emails with attachments
by adressing a MS Exchange Server directly. The script I found on the
website of Levesqu uses Outlook. It works but Outlook 2003 asks for
approval to sent every single email,  and that is no good.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Script for emailing attachments by adressing Exchange Server directly (not via Outlook)

Lemon, John S.
> Does anybody know or have a script that can sent emails with attachments
> by adressing a MS Exchange Server directly. The script I found on the
> website of Levesqu uses Outlook. It works but Outlook 2003 asks for
> approval to sent every single email,  and that is no good.
Try ClickYes ( ) which
should get round the problem you are having


Best wishes

John S. Lemon                Mailto:[hidden email]
DISS - ASD (Computing)          Tel: +44 1224 273350
Aberdeen University - Scotland
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