Seeking comments/opinions on v26 versus v27

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Seeking comments/opinions on v26 versus v27

Bruce Weaver
Greetings all.  I've just learned that versions 26 and 27 will both be
available via my institution this academic year.  (We've had v25 only for
the last two years.)  I would assume that all of the fixes needed for v26
have been taken care of by now.  What about v27?  Is there any reason I
should avoid it and go with v26 for the next year?  Thanks for any advice
you might have to offer.


Bruce Weaver
[hidden email]

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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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Re: Seeking comments/opinions on v26 versus v27


I would be interested to learn what experienced users have to say in response to Bruce's query, including in relation to experiences with PCs versus Macs.  On reporting that students were consistently unable to install my institution's copy of SPSS 25 for Macs on their computers, I was advised by a member of my institution that, "according to IBM's support pages, SPSS 24 is only supported on Mac operating systems 10.10 to 10.12 and SPSS version 25 is only supported on Mac operating systems 10.12 to 10.14, so if a student isn't using the operating systems specific to the version of SPSS they have downloaded/installed, it could be the cause of their issues." If the latter explains the problem with installing version 25, I expect that the installation issue would be ongoing across future versions of SPSS. In the meantime, I will chase up a few past cases to see what operating the students were actually using when they encountered the installation problem.

Best wishes

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion <[hidden email]> On Behalf Of Bruce Weaver
Sent: 09 August 2020 21:43
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Seeking comments/opinions on v26 versus v27

Greetings all.  I've just learned that versions 26 and 27 will both be available via my institution this academic year.  (We've had v25 only for the last two years.)  I would assume that all of the fixes needed for v26 have been taken care of by now.  What about v27?  Is there any reason I should avoid it and go with v26 for the next year?  Thanks for any advice you might have to offer.


Bruce Weaver
[hidden email]

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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