Show an empty category in a frequency table

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Show an empty category in a frequency table

It is the first time I use SPSS so I'm beginner and I have a problem.
How can I show an empty category in a frequency table?

I have a nominal variable, for example "Q1 - Which list has more movies that you find appealing?", it has 6 possible categories, one for each algorithm {1="ItemItem"; 2="Lucene"; 3="Persmean"; 4="Popular"; 5="SVD"; 6="UserUSer"}.(I have defined it on the variable view as Value labels)
But when nobody has opted for one of the algorithm, the category doesn't appear when I do the chi-squared test or the frequency analysis. For example, in the case of the group analysis the answers for this questions are:
        Observed Count Value Label
                6          ItemItem
                1          Lucene
                0         Persmean
                3          Popular
                0            SVD
                0         UserUser

And the results obtained with the chi-squared test are:

        Observed N Expected N Residual
ItemItem 6   3,3          2,7        
Lucene 1   3,3 -2,3
Popular 3   3,3          -,3
Total 10

But the expected count should be 1,6 instead of 3,3.

What I want it's that all the categories appear on the analysis even if it is with  Observed Count = 0.
Do you know how  can I manage it?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Show an empty category in a frequency table

Andy W
Something like this should do it:

  /CHISQUARE=Q1Accuracy (1,6)

Note that for your particular example the cells counts are quite low.
Andy W
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Re: Show an empty category in a frequency table

Andy W
Never mind the comment about the small counts. I evaluated the test using the exact distribution and it results in the same inferences. See for a more detailed description of the procedure.

I made some R code to create the exact distribution for this case. One thing to note is that using the exact distribution will only make the p-value smaller, so if you reject the null using the asymptotic distribution you will also reject using the exact distribution, which is what happens in this case.

loc <- "C:\\Users\\andrew.wheeler\\Dropbox\\Public\\" #just replace where you download the file
f <- paste0(loc,"Exact_Dist.R")  #file available at ""

#my small sample test function that returns the exact null distribution
d <- c(6,1,0,3,0,0)
res <- SmallSampTest(d=d,type="Chi")

#gives the same inferences
chisq.test(d,simulate.p.value = TRUE, B = 1e4)
Andy W
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Re: Show an empty category in a frequency table

Bruce Weaver
Good catch, Andy.  I was just about to post the "exact" test results when I saw your post.  For those who do not currently have access to SPSS, here are the results for both Chi-square and exact tests (with p-values rounded to 6 decimals):

Test Statistics
Chi-Square 17.600[a]
df                 5
Asymp. Sig. .003492
Exact Sig.        .003439
Point Probability .001667
[a] 6 cells (100.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 1.7.


DATA LIST free / Q1 (F1).
1 1 1 1 1 1
4 4 4

  /CHISQUARE=Q1 (1,6)

Andy W wrote
Never mind the comment about the small counts. I evaluated the test using the exact distribution and it results in the same inferences. See for a more detailed description of the procedure.

I made some R code to create the exact distribution for this case. One thing to note is that using the exact distribution will only make the p-value smaller, so if you reject the null using the asymptotic distribution you will also reject using the exact distribution, which is what happens in this case.

loc <- "C:\\Users\\andrew.wheeler\\Dropbox\\Public\\" #just replace where you download the file
f <- paste0(loc,"Exact_Dist.R")  #file available at ""

#my small sample test function that returns the exact null distribution
d <- c(6,1,0,3,0,0)
res <- SmallSampTest(d=d,type="Chi")

#gives the same inferences
chisq.test(d,simulate.p.value = TRUE, B = 1e4)
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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Re: Show an empty category in a frequency table

Andy W
Thank you Bruce, I had not noticed the Exact extension had an option for the univariate case. The p-value my R code produces for this example is 0.003438881, a good sign that mine and SPSS's agree! (The point probability is the same in my code as well, 0.001667048.)
Andy W
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Re: Show an empty category in a frequency table

Thank you so much Andy! With your help I've been able to manage it.
And also thank you Bruce!
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Re: Show an empty category in a frequency table

Bruce Weaver
In reply to this post by Andy W
Hi Andy.  From SPSS, with more decimals displayed this time:

.003491841  <-- Asymptotic p-value from SPSS

.003438881  <-- Exact p-value from SPSS
.003438881  <-- Exact p-value from Andy's R code

.001667048  <-- Point probability from SPSS
.001667048  <-- Point probability from Andy's R code


Andy W wrote
Thank you Bruce, I had not noticed the Exact extension had an option for the univariate case. The p-value my R code produces for this example is 0.003438881, a good sign that mine and SPSS's agree! (The point probability is the same in my code as well, 0.001667048.)
Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (