Solving Two Equations using MATRIX

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Solving Two Equations using MATRIX

Dear SPSS-L,

Suppose we have a 6X6 correlation matrix. I have two equations I need to solve. 

The following is GIVEN: 

COMPUTE r11 = 1.
COMPUTE r12 = .20.
COMPUTE r13 = .25.
COMPUTE r14 = .85.
COMPUTE r15 = .30.
COMPUTE r16 = .15.
COMPUTE r21 = .20.
COMPUTE r22 = 1.
COMPUTE r23 = .10.
COMPUTE r24 = .05.
COMPUTE r25 = .70.
COMPUTE r26 = .30.
COMPUTE r31 = .25.
COMPUTE r32 = .10.
COMPUTE r33 = 1.
COMPUTE r34 = .35.
COMPUTE r35 = .40.
COMPUTE r36 = .80.
COMPUTE r41 = .85.
COMPUTE r42 = .05.
COMPUTE r43 = .35.
COMPUTE r44 = 1.
COMPUTE r45 = .50.
COMPUTE r46 = .45.
COMPUTE r51 = .30.
COMPUTE r52 = .70.
COMPUTE r53 = .40.
COMPUTE r54 = .50.
COMPUTE r55 = 1.
COMPUTE r56 = .55.
COMPUTE r61 = .15.
COMPUTE r62 = .30.
COMPUTE r63 = .80.
COMPUTE r64 = .45.
COMPUTE r65 = .55.
COMPUTE r66 = 1.

COMPUTE wjk14 =  2.
COMPUTE wjk15 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk16 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk24 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk25 =  2.
COMPUTE wjk26 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk34 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk35 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk36 =  2.


Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6}: w[j,k]*r[j,k]]   

COMPUTE x = wjk14*r14 + wjk15*r15 + wjk16*r16 + 
            wjk24*r24 + wjk25*r25 + wjk26*r26 +
            wjk34*r34 + wjk35*r35 + wjk36*r36.   

While x is easy to solve outside of MATRIX, I'm curious how x could be solved more efficiently in MATRIX.

Suppose the following is GIVEN as well:

COMPUTE whm14 =  2.
COMPUTE whm15 = -1.
COMPUTE whm16 = -1.
COMPUTE whm24 = -1.
COMPUTE whm25 =  2.
COMPUTE whm26 = -1.
COMPUTE whm34 = -1.
COMPUTE whm35 = -1.
COMPUTE whm36 =  2.


y = Sqrt[(.5/(N-1))*Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6},{h=1,3},{m=4,6}:      
         (r[j,h]-r[j,k]*r[k,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,h]*r[h,m]) +                     
         (r[j,m]-r[j,h]*r[h,m])*(r[k,h]-r[k,j]*r[j,h]) +                       
         (r[j,h]-r[j,m]*r[m,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,j]*r[j,m]) +                     

As you can see, y is far more tedious to solve outside of MATRIX. The first of 81 "Sum[{..." terms could be solved using COMPUTE as follows:

COMPUTE jk14_hm14 = wjk14*whm14*((r11-r14*r41)*(r44-r41*r14)+(r14-r11*r14)*(r41-r41*r11)+(r11-r14*r41)*(r44-r41*r14)+(r14-r14*r44)*(r41-r44*r41)).

but then I'd have to work it out for the following 80 terms:

compute jk15_hm14 = .
compute jk16_hm14 = .
compute jk24_hm14 = .
compute jk25_hm14 = .
compute jk26_hm14 = .
compute jk34_hm14 = .
compute jk35_hm14 = .
compute jk36_hm14 = .

compute jk14_hm24 = .
compute jk15_hm24 = .
compute jk16_hm24 = .
compute jk24_hm24 = .
compute jk25_hm24 = .
compute jk26_hm24 = .
compute jk34_hm24 = .
compute jk35_hm24 = .
compute jk36_hm24 = .

compute jk14_hm34 = .
compute jk15_hm34 = .
compute jk16_hm34 = .
compute jk24_hm34 = .
compute jk25_hm34 = .
compute jk26_hm34 = .
compute jk34_hm34 = .
compute jk35_hm34 = .
compute jk36_hm34 = .

compute jk14_hm15 = .
compute jk15_hm15 = .
compute jk16_hm15 = .
compute jk24_hm15 = .
compute jk25_hm15 = .
compute jk26_hm15 = .
compute jk34_hm15 = .
compute jk35_hm15 = .
compute jk36_hm15 = .

compute jk14_hm16 = .
compute jk15_hm16 = .
compute jk16_hm16 = .
compute jk24_hm16 = .
compute jk25_hm16 = .
compute jk26_hm16 = .
compute jk34_hm16 = .
compute jk35_hm16 = .
compute jk36_hm16 = .

compute jk14_hm25 = .
compute jk15_hm25 = .
compute jk16_hm25 = .
compute jk24_hm25 = .
compute jk25_hm25 = .
compute jk26_hm25 = .
compute jk34_hm25 = .
compute jk35_hm25 = .
compute jk36_hm25 = .

compute jk14_hm26 = .
compute jk15_hm26 = .
compute jk16_hm26 = .
compute jk24_hm26 = .
compute jk25_hm26 = .
compute jk26_hm26 = .
compute jk34_hm26 = .
compute jk35_hm26 = .
compute jk36_hm26 = .

compute jk14_hm35 = .
compute jk15_hm35 = .
compute jk16_hm35 = .
compute jk24_hm35 = .
compute jk25_hm35 = .
compute jk26_hm35 = .
compute jk34_hm35 = .
compute jk35_hm35 = .
compute jk36_hm35 = .

compute jk14_hm36 = .
compute jk15_hm36 = .
compute jk16_hm36 = .
compute jk24_hm36 = .
compute jk25_hm36 = .
compute jk26_hm36 = .
compute jk34_hm36 = .
compute jk35_hm36 = .
compute jk36_hm36 = .

and then sum the 81 terms and multiply by Sqrt[(.5/(N-1)).

Any tips would be most appreciated. 


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Re: Solving Two Equations using MATRIX

David Marso
Hi Ryan,
Good to see you here!
Here is a simple MATRIX program.
Please verify that I haven't dropped a stitch.
Curious as to what this is calculating.
Could it be related to the Determinant of a matrix?
If so there is the DET operator .

COMPUTE R={1.00, .20, .25, .85, .30, .15;
            .20,1.00, .10, .05, .70, .30;
            .25, .10,1.00, .35, .40, .80;
            .85, .05, .35,1.00, .50, .45;
            .30, .70, .40, .50,1.00, .55;
            .15, .30, .80, .45, .55, 1.00}.
COMPUTE W={0,0,0, 2,-1,-1;
           0,0,0,-1, 2,-1;
           0,0,0,-1,-1, 2;
           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0;
           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0;
           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0}.

LOOP j=1 TO 3.
LOOP k=4 TO 6.
LOOP h=1 TO 3.
LOOP m=4 TO 6.
COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
            (r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +                    
            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +                      
            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +                    
            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h)) .
COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/??? -1) * y.

Ryan Black wrote
Dear SPSS-L,

Suppose we have a 6X6 correlation matrix. I have two equations I need to

The following is GIVEN:

COMPUTE r11 = 1.
COMPUTE r12 = .20.
COMPUTE r13 = .25.
COMPUTE r14 = .85.
COMPUTE r15 = .30.
COMPUTE r16 = .15.
COMPUTE r21 = .20.
COMPUTE r22 = 1.
COMPUTE r23 = .10.
COMPUTE r24 = .05.
COMPUTE r25 = .70.
COMPUTE r26 = .30.
COMPUTE r31 = .25.
COMPUTE r32 = .10.
COMPUTE r33 = 1.
COMPUTE r34 = .35.
COMPUTE r35 = .40.
COMPUTE r36 = .80.
COMPUTE r41 = .85.
COMPUTE r42 = .05.
COMPUTE r43 = .35.
COMPUTE r44 = 1.
COMPUTE r45 = .50.
COMPUTE r46 = .45.
COMPUTE r51 = .30.
COMPUTE r52 = .70.
COMPUTE r53 = .40.
COMPUTE r54 = .50.
COMPUTE r55 = 1.
COMPUTE r56 = .55.
COMPUTE r61 = .15.
COMPUTE r62 = .30.
COMPUTE r63 = .80.
COMPUTE r64 = .45.
COMPUTE r65 = .55.
COMPUTE r66 = 1.

COMPUTE wjk14 =  2.
COMPUTE wjk15 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk16 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk24 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk25 =  2.
COMPUTE wjk26 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk34 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk35 = -1.
COMPUTE wjk36 =  2.


Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6}: w[j,k]*r[j,k]]

COMPUTE x = wjk14*r14 + wjk15*r15 + wjk16*r16 +
            wjk24*r24 + wjk25*r25 + wjk26*r26 +
            wjk34*r34 + wjk35*r35 + wjk36*r36.

While x is easy to solve outside of MATRIX, I'm curious how x could be
solved more efficiently in MATRIX.

Suppose the following is GIVEN as well:

COMPUTE whm14 =  2.
COMPUTE whm15 = -1.
COMPUTE whm16 = -1.
COMPUTE whm24 = -1.
COMPUTE whm25 =  2.
COMPUTE whm26 = -1.
COMPUTE whm34 = -1.
COMPUTE whm35 = -1.
COMPUTE whm36 =  2.


y = Sqrt[(.5/(N-1))*Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6},{h=1,3},{m=4,6}:

         (r[j,h]-r[j,k]*r[k,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,h]*r[h,m]) +

         (r[j,m]-r[j,h]*r[h,m])*(r[k,h]-r[k,j]*r[j,h]) +

         (r[j,h]-r[j,m]*r[m,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,j]*r[j,m]) +


As you can see, y is far more tedious to solve outside of MATRIX. The first
of 81 "Sum[{..." terms could be solved using COMPUTE as follows:

COMPUTE jk14_hm14 =

but then I'd have to work it out for the following 80 terms:

compute jk15_hm14 = .
compute jk16_hm14 = .
compute jk24_hm14 = .
compute jk25_hm14 = .
compute jk26_hm14 = .
compute jk34_hm14 = .
compute jk35_hm14 = .
compute jk36_hm14 = .

compute jk14_hm24 = .
compute jk15_hm24 = .
compute jk16_hm24 = .
compute jk24_hm24 = .
compute jk25_hm24 = .
compute jk26_hm24 = .
compute jk34_hm24 = .
compute jk35_hm24 = .
compute jk36_hm24 = .

compute jk14_hm34 = .
compute jk15_hm34 = .
compute jk16_hm34 = .
compute jk24_hm34 = .
compute jk25_hm34 = .
compute jk26_hm34 = .
compute jk34_hm34 = .
compute jk35_hm34 = .
compute jk36_hm34 = .

compute jk14_hm15 = .
compute jk15_hm15 = .
compute jk16_hm15 = .
compute jk24_hm15 = .
compute jk25_hm15 = .
compute jk26_hm15 = .
compute jk34_hm15 = .
compute jk35_hm15 = .
compute jk36_hm15 = .

compute jk14_hm16 = .
compute jk15_hm16 = .
compute jk16_hm16 = .
compute jk24_hm16 = .
compute jk25_hm16 = .
compute jk26_hm16 = .
compute jk34_hm16 = .
compute jk35_hm16 = .
compute jk36_hm16 = .

compute jk14_hm25 = .
compute jk15_hm25 = .
compute jk16_hm25 = .
compute jk24_hm25 = .
compute jk25_hm25 = .
compute jk26_hm25 = .
compute jk34_hm25 = .
compute jk35_hm25 = .
compute jk36_hm25 = .

compute jk14_hm26 = .
compute jk15_hm26 = .
compute jk16_hm26 = .
compute jk24_hm26 = .
compute jk25_hm26 = .
compute jk26_hm26 = .
compute jk34_hm26 = .
compute jk35_hm26 = .
compute jk36_hm26 = .

compute jk14_hm35 = .
compute jk15_hm35 = .
compute jk16_hm35 = .
compute jk24_hm35 = .
compute jk25_hm35 = .
compute jk26_hm35 = .
compute jk34_hm35 = .
compute jk35_hm35 = .
compute jk36_hm35 = .

compute jk14_hm36 = .
compute jk15_hm36 = .
compute jk16_hm36 = .
compute jk24_hm36 = .
compute jk25_hm36 = .
compute jk26_hm36 = .
compute jk34_hm36 = .
compute jk35_hm36 = .
compute jk36_hm36 = .

and then sum the 81 terms and multiply by Sqrt[(.5/(N-1)).

Any tips would be most appreciated.



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Re: Solving Two Equations using MATRIX

Thanks for the help, David! This is great!!!

The code just needs two modifications....

COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
            (r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h)) . 

should be

COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
            ((r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h))) . 


COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/??? -1) * y.

should be

COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/(??? -1)) * y.

x / y = z


y is the estimated standard error and z is approximately standard normal which tests:

Null Hypothesis: M[rho14,rho25,rho36] = M[rho15,rho16,rho24,rho26,rho34,rho35]

Thanks again!


p.s., thanks to Ray Koopman for referring me to the appropriate 1980 Steiger article which assisted me in constructing the test, and for providing additional guidance / confirmation along the way

On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 11:37 PM, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Ryan,
Good to see you here!
Here is a simple MATRIX program.
Please verify that I haven't dropped a stitch.
Curious as to what this is calculating.
Could it be related to the Determinant of a matrix?
If so there is the DET operator .

COMPUTE R={1.00, .20, .25, .85, .30, .15;
            .20,1.00, .10, .05, .70, .30;
            .25, .10,1.00, .35, .40, .80;
            .85, .05, .35,1.00, .50, .45;
            .30, .70, .40, .50,1.00, .55;
            .15, .30, .80, .45, .55, 1.00}.
COMPUTE W={0,0,0, 2,-1,-1;
           0,0,0,-1, 2,-1;
           0,0,0,-1,-1, 2;
           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0;
           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0;
           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0}.

LOOP j=1 TO 3.
LOOP k=4 TO 6.
LOOP h=1 TO 3.
LOOP m=4 TO 6.
COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
            (r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h)) . 
COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/??? -1) * y.

Ryan Black wrote
> Dear SPSS-L,
> Suppose we have a 6X6 correlation matrix. I have two equations I need to
> solve.
> The following is GIVEN:
> COMPUTE r11 = 1.
> COMPUTE r12 = .20.
> COMPUTE r13 = .25.
> COMPUTE r14 = .85.
> COMPUTE r15 = .30.
> COMPUTE r16 = .15.
> COMPUTE r21 = .20.
> COMPUTE r22 = 1.
> COMPUTE r23 = .10.
> COMPUTE r24 = .05.
> COMPUTE r25 = .70.
> COMPUTE r26 = .30.
> COMPUTE r31 = .25.
> COMPUTE r32 = .10.
> COMPUTE r33 = 1.
> COMPUTE r34 = .35.
> COMPUTE r35 = .40.
> COMPUTE r36 = .80.
> COMPUTE r41 = .85.
> COMPUTE r42 = .05.
> COMPUTE r43 = .35.
> COMPUTE r44 = 1.
> COMPUTE r45 = .50.
> COMPUTE r46 = .45.
> COMPUTE r51 = .30.
> COMPUTE r52 = .70.
> COMPUTE r53 = .40.
> COMPUTE r54 = .50.
> COMPUTE r55 = 1.
> COMPUTE r56 = .55.
> COMPUTE r61 = .15.
> COMPUTE r62 = .30.
> COMPUTE r63 = .80.
> COMPUTE r64 = .45.
> COMPUTE r65 = .55.
> COMPUTE r66 = 1.
> COMPUTE wjk14 =  2.
> COMPUTE wjk15 = -1.
> COMPUTE wjk16 = -1.
> COMPUTE wjk24 = -1.
> COMPUTE wjk25 =  2.
> COMPUTE wjk26 = -1.
> COMPUTE wjk34 = -1.
> COMPUTE wjk35 = -1.
> COMPUTE wjk36 =  2.
> Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6}: w[j,k]*r[j,k]]
> COMPUTE x = wjk14*r14 + wjk15*r15 + wjk16*r16 +
>             wjk24*r24 + wjk25*r25 + wjk26*r26 +
>             wjk34*r34 + wjk35*r35 + wjk36*r36.
> While x is easy to solve outside of MATRIX, I'm curious how x could be
> solved more efficiently in MATRIX.
> Suppose the following is GIVEN as well:
> COMPUTE whm14 =  2.
> COMPUTE whm15 = -1.
> COMPUTE whm16 = -1.
> COMPUTE whm24 = -1.
> COMPUTE whm25 =  2.
> COMPUTE whm26 = -1.
> COMPUTE whm34 = -1.
> COMPUTE whm35 = -1.
> COMPUTE whm36 =  2.
> y = Sqrt[(.5/(N-1))*Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6},{h=1,3},{m=4,6}:
>          w[j,k]*w[h,m]*(
>          (r[j,h]-r[j,k]*r[k,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,h]*r[h,m]) +
>          (r[j,m]-r[j,h]*r[h,m])*(r[k,h]-r[k,j]*r[j,h]) +
>          (r[j,h]-r[j,m]*r[m,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,j]*r[j,m]) +
>          (r[j,m]-r[j,k]*r[k,m])*(r[k,h]-r[k,m]*r[m,h]))]]
> As you can see, y is far more tedious to solve outside of MATRIX. The
> first
> of 81 "Sum[{..." terms could be solved using COMPUTE as follows:
> COMPUTE jk14_hm14 =
> wjk14*whm14*((r11-r14*r41)*(r44-r41*r14)+(r14-r11*r14)*(r41-r41*r11)+(r11-r14*r41)*(r44-r41*r14)+(r14-r14*r44)*(r41-r44*r41)).
> but then I'd have to work it out for the following 80 terms:
> compute jk15_hm14 = .
> compute jk16_hm14 = .
> compute jk24_hm14 = .
> compute jk25_hm14 = .
> compute jk26_hm14 = .
> compute jk34_hm14 = .
> compute jk35_hm14 = .
> compute jk36_hm14 = .
> compute jk14_hm24 = .
> compute jk15_hm24 = .
> compute jk16_hm24 = .
> compute jk24_hm24 = .
> compute jk25_hm24 = .
> compute jk26_hm24 = .
> compute jk34_hm24 = .
> compute jk35_hm24 = .
> compute jk36_hm24 = .
> compute jk14_hm34 = .
> compute jk15_hm34 = .
> compute jk16_hm34 = .
> compute jk24_hm34 = .
> compute jk25_hm34 = .
> compute jk26_hm34 = .
> compute jk34_hm34 = .
> compute jk35_hm34 = .
> compute jk36_hm34 = .
> compute jk14_hm15 = .
> compute jk15_hm15 = .
> compute jk16_hm15 = .
> compute jk24_hm15 = .
> compute jk25_hm15 = .
> compute jk26_hm15 = .
> compute jk34_hm15 = .
> compute jk35_hm15 = .
> compute jk36_hm15 = .
> compute jk14_hm16 = .
> compute jk15_hm16 = .
> compute jk16_hm16 = .
> compute jk24_hm16 = .
> compute jk25_hm16 = .
> compute jk26_hm16 = .
> compute jk34_hm16 = .
> compute jk35_hm16 = .
> compute jk36_hm16 = .
> compute jk14_hm25 = .
> compute jk15_hm25 = .
> compute jk16_hm25 = .
> compute jk24_hm25 = .
> compute jk25_hm25 = .
> compute jk26_hm25 = .
> compute jk34_hm25 = .
> compute jk35_hm25 = .
> compute jk36_hm25 = .
> compute jk14_hm26 = .
> compute jk15_hm26 = .
> compute jk16_hm26 = .
> compute jk24_hm26 = .
> compute jk25_hm26 = .
> compute jk26_hm26 = .
> compute jk34_hm26 = .
> compute jk35_hm26 = .
> compute jk36_hm26 = .
> compute jk14_hm35 = .
> compute jk15_hm35 = .
> compute jk16_hm35 = .
> compute jk24_hm35 = .
> compute jk25_hm35 = .
> compute jk26_hm35 = .
> compute jk34_hm35 = .
> compute jk35_hm35 = .
> compute jk36_hm35 = .
> compute jk14_hm36 = .
> compute jk15_hm36 = .
> compute jk16_hm36 = .
> compute jk24_hm36 = .
> compute jk25_hm36 = .
> compute jk26_hm36 = .
> compute jk34_hm36 = .
> compute jk35_hm36 = .
> compute jk36_hm36 = .
> and then sum the 81 terms and multiply by Sqrt[(.5/(N-1)).
> Any tips would be most appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ryan
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to


>  (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
> command. To leave the list, send the command
> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

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Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me.
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Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?"
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Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at

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Re: Solving Two Equations using MATRIX

Bruce Weaver
Ryan, am I correct in assuming that in your statement of the null hypothesis, M[] represents the mean of the (population) correlations inside the square brackets?  Thanks for clarifying.

p.s. - Ray's great, isn't he.  If I ever start thinking that I'm getting to know quite a bit about statistics & data analysis, I just take a look at Ray, and invariably come away in a humbled condition.  ;-)

Ryan Black wrote
Thanks for the help, David! This is great!!!

The code just needs two modifications....

COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
            (r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h)) .

should be

COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
            ((r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h))) .


COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/??? -1) * y.

should be

COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/(??? -1)) * y.

x / y = z


y is the estimated standard error and z is approximately standard normal
which tests:

Null Hypothesis: M[rho14,rho25,rho36] =

Thanks again!


p.s., thanks to Ray Koopman for referring me to the appropriate 1980
Steiger article which assisted me in constructing the test, and for
providing additional guidance / confirmation along the way

On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 11:37 PM, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Ryan,
> Good to see you here!
> Here is a simple MATRIX program.
> Please verify that I haven't dropped a stitch.
> Curious as to what this is calculating.
> Could it be related to the Determinant of a matrix?
> If so there is the DET operator .
> COMPUTE R={1.00, .20, .25, .85, .30, .15;
>             .20,1.00, .10, .05, .70, .30;
>             .25, .10,1.00, .35, .40, .80;
>             .85, .05, .35,1.00, .50, .45;
>             .30, .70, .40, .50,1.00, .55;
>             .15, .30, .80, .45, .55, 1.00}.
> COMPUTE W={0,0,0, 2,-1,-1;
>            0,0,0,-1, 2,-1;
>            0,0,0,-1,-1, 2;
>            0,0,0, 0, 0, 0;
>            0,0,0, 0, 0, 0;
>            0,0,0, 0, 0, 0}.
> COMPUTE y=0.
> LOOP j=1 TO 3.
> LOOP k=4 TO 6.
> LOOP h=1 TO 3.
> LOOP m=4 TO 6.
> COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
>             (r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
>             (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
>             (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
>             (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h)) .

> COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/??? -1) * y.
> Ryan Black wrote
> > Dear SPSS-L,
> >
> > Suppose we have a 6X6 correlation matrix. I have two equations I need to
> > solve.
> >
> > The following is GIVEN:
> >
> > COMPUTE r11 = 1.
> > COMPUTE r12 = .20.
> > COMPUTE r13 = .25.
> > COMPUTE r14 = .85.
> > COMPUTE r15 = .30.
> > COMPUTE r16 = .15.
> > COMPUTE r21 = .20.
> > COMPUTE r22 = 1.
> > COMPUTE r23 = .10.
> > COMPUTE r24 = .05.
> > COMPUTE r25 = .70.
> > COMPUTE r26 = .30.
> > COMPUTE r31 = .25.
> > COMPUTE r32 = .10.
> > COMPUTE r33 = 1.
> > COMPUTE r34 = .35.
> > COMPUTE r35 = .40.
> > COMPUTE r36 = .80.
> > COMPUTE r41 = .85.
> > COMPUTE r42 = .05.
> > COMPUTE r43 = .35.
> > COMPUTE r44 = 1.
> > COMPUTE r45 = .50.
> > COMPUTE r46 = .45.
> > COMPUTE r51 = .30.
> > COMPUTE r52 = .70.
> > COMPUTE r53 = .40.
> > COMPUTE r54 = .50.
> > COMPUTE r55 = 1.
> > COMPUTE r56 = .55.
> > COMPUTE r61 = .15.
> > COMPUTE r62 = .30.
> > COMPUTE r63 = .80.
> > COMPUTE r64 = .45.
> > COMPUTE r65 = .55.
> > COMPUTE r66 = 1.
> >
> > COMPUTE wjk14 =  2.
> > COMPUTE wjk15 = -1.
> > COMPUTE wjk16 = -1.
> > COMPUTE wjk24 = -1.
> > COMPUTE wjk25 =  2.
> > COMPUTE wjk26 = -1.
> > COMPUTE wjk34 = -1.
> > COMPUTE wjk35 = -1.
> > COMPUTE wjk36 =  2.
> >
> >
> > Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6}: w[j,k]*r[j,k]]
> >
> > COMPUTE x = wjk14*r14 + wjk15*r15 + wjk16*r16 +
> >             wjk24*r24 + wjk25*r25 + wjk26*r26 +
> >             wjk34*r34 + wjk35*r35 + wjk36*r36.
> >
> > While x is easy to solve outside of MATRIX, I'm curious how x could be
> > solved more efficiently in MATRIX.
> >
> > Suppose the following is GIVEN as well:
> >
> > COMPUTE whm14 =  2.
> > COMPUTE whm15 = -1.
> > COMPUTE whm16 = -1.
> > COMPUTE whm24 = -1.
> > COMPUTE whm25 =  2.
> > COMPUTE whm26 = -1.
> > COMPUTE whm34 = -1.
> > COMPUTE whm35 = -1.
> > COMPUTE whm36 =  2.
> >
> >
> > y = Sqrt[(.5/(N-1))*Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6},{h=1,3},{m=4,6}:
> >          w[j,k]*w[h,m]*(
> >
> >          (r[j,h]-r[j,k]*r[k,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,h]*r[h,m]) +
> >
> >          (r[j,m]-r[j,h]*r[h,m])*(r[k,h]-r[k,j]*r[j,h]) +
> >
> >          (r[j,h]-r[j,m]*r[m,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,j]*r[j,m]) +
> >
> >          (r[j,m]-r[j,k]*r[k,m])*(r[k,h]-r[k,m]*r[m,h]))]]
> >
> > As you can see, y is far more tedious to solve outside of MATRIX. The
> > first
> > of 81 "Sum[{..." terms could be solved using COMPUTE as follows:
> >
> > COMPUTE jk14_hm14 =
> >
> wjk14*whm14*((r11-r14*r41)*(r44-r41*r14)+(r14-r11*r14)*(r41-r41*r11)+(r11-r14*r41)*(r44-r41*r14)+(r14-r14*r44)*(r41-r44*r41)).
> >
> > but then I'd have to work it out for the following 80 terms:
> >
> > compute jk15_hm14 = .
> > compute jk16_hm14 = .
> > compute jk24_hm14 = .
> > compute jk25_hm14 = .
> > compute jk26_hm14 = .
> > compute jk34_hm14 = .
> > compute jk35_hm14 = .
> > compute jk36_hm14 = .
> >
> > compute jk14_hm24 = .
> > compute jk15_hm24 = .
> > compute jk16_hm24 = .
> > compute jk24_hm24 = .
> > compute jk25_hm24 = .
> > compute jk26_hm24 = .
> > compute jk34_hm24 = .
> > compute jk35_hm24 = .
> > compute jk36_hm24 = .
> >
> > compute jk14_hm34 = .
> > compute jk15_hm34 = .
> > compute jk16_hm34 = .
> > compute jk24_hm34 = .
> > compute jk25_hm34 = .
> > compute jk26_hm34 = .
> > compute jk34_hm34 = .
> > compute jk35_hm34 = .
> > compute jk36_hm34 = .
> >
> > compute jk14_hm15 = .
> > compute jk15_hm15 = .
> > compute jk16_hm15 = .
> > compute jk24_hm15 = .
> > compute jk25_hm15 = .
> > compute jk26_hm15 = .
> > compute jk34_hm15 = .
> > compute jk35_hm15 = .
> > compute jk36_hm15 = .
> >
> > compute jk14_hm16 = .
> > compute jk15_hm16 = .
> > compute jk16_hm16 = .
> > compute jk24_hm16 = .
> > compute jk25_hm16 = .
> > compute jk26_hm16 = .
> > compute jk34_hm16 = .
> > compute jk35_hm16 = .
> > compute jk36_hm16 = .
> >
> > compute jk14_hm25 = .
> > compute jk15_hm25 = .
> > compute jk16_hm25 = .
> > compute jk24_hm25 = .
> > compute jk25_hm25 = .
> > compute jk26_hm25 = .
> > compute jk34_hm25 = .
> > compute jk35_hm25 = .
> > compute jk36_hm25 = .
> >
> > compute jk14_hm26 = .
> > compute jk15_hm26 = .
> > compute jk16_hm26 = .
> > compute jk24_hm26 = .
> > compute jk25_hm26 = .
> > compute jk26_hm26 = .
> > compute jk34_hm26 = .
> > compute jk35_hm26 = .
> > compute jk36_hm26 = .
> >
> > compute jk14_hm35 = .
> > compute jk15_hm35 = .
> > compute jk16_hm35 = .
> > compute jk24_hm35 = .
> > compute jk25_hm35 = .
> > compute jk26_hm35 = .
> > compute jk34_hm35 = .
> > compute jk35_hm35 = .
> > compute jk36_hm35 = .
> >
> > compute jk14_hm36 = .
> > compute jk15_hm36 = .
> > compute jk16_hm36 = .
> > compute jk24_hm36 = .
> > compute jk25_hm36 = .
> > compute jk26_hm36 = .
> > compute jk34_hm36 = .
> > compute jk35_hm36 = .
> > compute jk36_hm36 = .
> >
> > and then sum the 81 terms and multiply by Sqrt[(.5/(N-1)).
> >
> > Any tips would be most appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Ryan
> >
> > =====================
> > To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> >  (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
> > command. To leave the list, send the command
> > For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
> -----
> Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
> Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to
> email me.
> ---
> "Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos
> ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis."
> Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in
> abyssum?"
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: Solving Two Equations using MATRIX

Hi Bruce,

Yes to your question. And I couldn't agree more about Ray. I'm very fortunate and grateful to have him as a resource.



Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 21, 2015, at 6:17 PM, Bruce Weaver <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Ryan, am I correct in assuming that in your statement of the null hypothesis,
> M[] represents the *mean* of the (population) correlations inside the square
> brackets?  Thanks for clarifying.
> p.s. - Ray's great, isn't he.  If I ever start thinking that I'm getting to
> know quite a bit about statistics & data analysis, I just take a look at
> Ray, and invariably come away in a humbled condition.  ;-)
> Ryan Black wrote
>> Thanks for the help, David! This is great!!!
>> The code just needs two modifications....
>> COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
>>            (r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
>>            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
>>            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
>>            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h)) .
>> should be
>> COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
>>            ((r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
>>            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
>>            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
>>            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h))) .
>> and
>> COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/??? -1) * y.
>> should be
>> COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/(??? -1)) * y.
>> x / y = z
>> where,
>> y is the estimated standard error and z is approximately standard normal
>> which tests:
>> Null Hypothesis: M[rho14,rho25,rho36] =
>> M[rho15,rho16,rho24,rho26,rho34,rho35]
>> Thanks again!
>> Ryan
>> p.s., thanks to Ray Koopman for referring me to the appropriate 1980
>> Steiger article which assisted me in constructing the test, and for
>> providing additional guidance / confirmation along the way
>> On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 11:37 PM, David Marso &lt;
>> david.marso@
>> &gt; wrote:
>>> Hi Ryan,
>>> Good to see you here!
>>> Here is a simple MATRIX program.
>>> Please verify that I haven't dropped a stitch.
>>> Curious as to what this is calculating.
>>> Could it be related to the Determinant of a matrix?
>>> If so there is the DET operator .
>>> COMPUTE R={1.00, .20, .25, .85, .30, .15;
>>>            .20,1.00, .10, .05, .70, .30;
>>>            .25, .10,1.00, .35, .40, .80;
>>>            .85, .05, .35,1.00, .50, .45;
>>>            .30, .70, .40, .50,1.00, .55;
>>>            .15, .30, .80, .45, .55, 1.00}.
>>> COMPUTE W={0,0,0, 2,-1,-1;
>>>           0,0,0,-1, 2,-1;
>>>           0,0,0,-1,-1, 2;
>>>           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0;
>>>           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0;
>>>           0,0,0, 0, 0, 0}.
>>> COMPUTE y=0.
>>> LOOP j=1 TO 3.
>>> LOOP k=4 TO 6.
>>> LOOP h=1 TO 3.
>>> LOOP m=4 TO 6.
>>> COMPUTE y=y +w(j,k)*w(h,m) *
>>>            (r(j,h)-r(j,k)*r(k,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,h)*r(h,m)) +
>>>            (r(j,m)-r(j,h)*r(h,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,j)*r(j,h)) +
>>>            (r(j,h)-r(j,m)*r(m,h))*(r(k,m)-r(k,j)*r(j,m)) +
>>>            (r(j,m)-r(j,k)*r(k,m))*(r(k,h)-r(k,m)*r(m,h)) .
>>> COMPUTE y=SQRT(.5/??? -1) * y.
>>> Ryan Black wrote
>>>> Dear SPSS-L,
>>>> Suppose we have a 6X6 correlation matrix. I have two equations I need
>>> to
>>>> solve.
>>>> The following is GIVEN:
>>>> COMPUTE r11 = 1.
>>>> COMPUTE r12 = .20.
>>>> COMPUTE r13 = .25.
>>>> COMPUTE r14 = .85.
>>>> COMPUTE r15 = .30.
>>>> COMPUTE r16 = .15.
>>>> COMPUTE r21 = .20.
>>>> COMPUTE r22 = 1.
>>>> COMPUTE r23 = .10.
>>>> COMPUTE r24 = .05.
>>>> COMPUTE r25 = .70.
>>>> COMPUTE r26 = .30.
>>>> COMPUTE r31 = .25.
>>>> COMPUTE r32 = .10.
>>>> COMPUTE r33 = 1.
>>>> COMPUTE r34 = .35.
>>>> COMPUTE r35 = .40.
>>>> COMPUTE r36 = .80.
>>>> COMPUTE r41 = .85.
>>>> COMPUTE r42 = .05.
>>>> COMPUTE r43 = .35.
>>>> COMPUTE r44 = 1.
>>>> COMPUTE r45 = .50.
>>>> COMPUTE r46 = .45.
>>>> COMPUTE r51 = .30.
>>>> COMPUTE r52 = .70.
>>>> COMPUTE r53 = .40.
>>>> COMPUTE r54 = .50.
>>>> COMPUTE r55 = 1.
>>>> COMPUTE r56 = .55.
>>>> COMPUTE r61 = .15.
>>>> COMPUTE r62 = .30.
>>>> COMPUTE r63 = .80.
>>>> COMPUTE r64 = .45.
>>>> COMPUTE r65 = .55.
>>>> COMPUTE r66 = 1.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk14 =  2.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk15 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk16 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk24 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk25 =  2.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk26 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk34 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk35 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE wjk36 =  2.
>>>> Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6}: w[j,k]*r[j,k]]
>>>> COMPUTE x = wjk14*r14 + wjk15*r15 + wjk16*r16 +
>>>>            wjk24*r24 + wjk25*r25 + wjk26*r26 +
>>>>            wjk34*r34 + wjk35*r35 + wjk36*r36.
>>>> While x is easy to solve outside of MATRIX, I'm curious how x could be
>>>> solved more efficiently in MATRIX.
>>>> Suppose the following is GIVEN as well:
>>>> COMPUTE whm14 =  2.
>>>> COMPUTE whm15 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE whm16 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE whm24 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE whm25 =  2.
>>>> COMPUTE whm26 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE whm34 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE whm35 = -1.
>>>> COMPUTE whm36 =  2.
>>>> y = Sqrt[(.5/(N-1))*Sum[{j=1,3},{k=4,6},{h=1,3},{m=4,6}:
>>>>         w[j,k]*w[h,m]*(
>>>>         (r[j,h]-r[j,k]*r[k,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,h]*r[h,m]) +
>>>>         (r[j,m]-r[j,h]*r[h,m])*(r[k,h]-r[k,j]*r[j,h]) +
>>>>         (r[j,h]-r[j,m]*r[m,h])*(r[k,m]-r[k,j]*r[j,m]) +
>>>>         (r[j,m]-r[j,k]*r[k,m])*(r[k,h]-r[k,m]*r[m,h]))]]
>>>> As you can see, y is far more tedious to solve outside of MATRIX. The
>>>> first
>>>> of 81 "Sum[{..." terms could be solved using COMPUTE as follows:
>>>> COMPUTE jk14_hm14 =
>>> wjk14*whm14*((r11-r14*r41)*(r44-r41*r14)+(r14-r11*r14)*(r41-r41*r11)+(r11-r14*r41)*(r44-r41*r14)+(r14-r14*r44)*(r41-r44*r41)).
>>>> but then I'd have to work it out for the following 80 terms:
>>>> compute jk15_hm14 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm14 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm14 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm14 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm14 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm14 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm14 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm14 = .
>>>> compute jk14_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk15_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm24 = .
>>>> compute jk14_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk15_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm34 = .
>>>> compute jk14_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk15_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm15 = .
>>>> compute jk14_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk15_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm16 = .
>>>> compute jk14_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk15_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm25 = .
>>>> compute jk14_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk15_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm26 = .
>>>> compute jk14_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk15_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm35 = .
>>>> compute jk14_hm36 = .
>>>> compute jk15_hm36 = .
>>>> compute jk16_hm36 = .
>>>> compute jk24_hm36 = .
>>>> compute jk25_hm36 = .
>>>> compute jk26_hm36 = .
>>>> compute jk34_hm36 = .
>>>> compute jk35_hm36 = .
>>>> compute jk36_hm36 = .
>>>> and then sum the 81 terms and multiply by Sqrt[(.5/(N-1)).
>>>> Any tips would be most appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ryan
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>>> Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
>>> Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to
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>>> ---
>>> "Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante
>>> porcos
>>> ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis."
>>> Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff
>>> in
>>> abyssum?"
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> -----
> --
> Bruce Weaver
> [hidden email]
> "When all else fails, RTFM."
> NOTE: My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly.
> To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
> --
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