As a little reality check: Please provide comments on what you believe/expect/hope/pray that each of your syntax snippets aim to achieve. Each has serious flaws which you should examine in light of your assumptions.
liradorovict wrote
I have a situation where I have 100 items which have been independently rated by 10 judges. My data comes in as items as rows and columns as judges ratings. I want two things from this. The mean and sd of each judge's ratings, across items. And the overall mean and sd of all items across judges. In addition, some judges didn't rate all 100 items. This is what I do in syntax, but I'm not sure if I'm thinking about my data correctly.
COMPUTE avg_rating = rate1 + rate2 + rate3 + rate4 + rate5 + rate6 + rate7 + rate8 + rate9 + rate10 / 10.
VARIABLES=rate1 + rate2 + rate3 + rate4 + rate5 + rate6 + rate7 + rate8 + rate9 + rate10.
Alternately, I have this syntax:
COMPUTE ratings_mean = mean(rate1 to rate10).
The means from the two calcuations stay the same, but the sds are different.
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