I was not familiar with "strip-plot" designs, so Googled that term and found this:
http://www.iasri.res.in/iasriwebsite/DESIGNOFEXPAPPLICATION/Electronic-Book/module4/4Split%20and%20Strip.pdfIt doesn't answer the question about how to analyze with SPSS--at least not directly, but I provide the link for others who are interested. Stripping the last bit from that hyperlink takes you to this more general page for an interesting looking electronic book on design & analysis of agricultural experiments:
massucati wrote
Dear all,
I've carried out a field experiment, where the plots were arranged in a randomized
strip-plot design with four replicates:
I'd like to carry out an ANOVA with SPSS but I am quite unsure, how sould I do it.
Has someone any suggestion?
Bruce Weaver
http://sites.google.com/a/lakeheadu.ca/bweaver/"When all else fails, RTFM."
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