Suggest: allow multiple /INDEX subcommands on VARSTOCASES

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Suggest: allow multiple /INDEX subcommands on VARSTOCASES

Richard Ristow

   /MAKE   VarValue
    FROM   A1 TO A3
           B1 TO B5
           C1 TO C7
   /INDEX  VarOrder
   /INDEX  VarName (VarValue).

isn't allowed:
|Subcommand INDEX was specified more than once.     |
|This command is not executed.                      |

But it's unambiguous and would be plenty useful: a numeric index so the
new cases can be identified and sorted into their order on the original
variable list; plus the variable names, which might not be in
alphabetical order on the list.

It could be useful to have variable-name indices for more than one of
the MAKE variables.

It could be useful to have both simple and multiple numeric indices -
the former, simply to maintain the variable order, the second for the
inner structure.

(And it surely shouldn't be hard to do.)