Syntax in Generating a report by person

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Syntax in Generating a report by person

Any syntax so that the SPSS will generate a report (e.g., mean, SD of variables) per person/case where each report will be saved as an SPSS output file? For example, if I will have 5 students in my SPSS file, if I run the syntax, the SPSS will generate 5 separate SPSS output files, each SPSS output file corresponds to one student. In that 5 person example, my files would be:


Thank you for your help.

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Re: Syntax in Generating a report by person

Jon Peck
Check out the SPSSINC PROCESS FILES extension command.  Using it, you specify the input files to process, which could be as a wildcard like c:\myclass\student*.sav or an explicit list of file names.  Then it applies a syntax file you create to each of those files.  The Viewer output can be saved on a per file basis or as one combined file.  In that syntax file you can do any command or set of commands.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 2:22 AM 3J LEMA <[hidden email]> wrote:
Any syntax so that the SPSS will generate a report (e.g., mean, SD of variables) per person/case where each report will be saved as an SPSS output file? For example, if I will have 5 students in my SPSS file, if I run the syntax, the SPSS will generate 5 separate SPSS output files, each SPSS output file corresponds to one student. In that 5 person example, my files would be:


Thank you for your help.

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Jon K Peck
[hidden email]

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