I cannot get the second update to load correctly is there anyone who can help me with this?
here are the instructions: I cannot get past the first step once I open the terminal....
Installation instructions for the Hotfix for Statistics 18.0.3 on Mac OSX 10.5 or 10.6
Technical Support Resolution 91842.
Technical Support Resolution 91227
Platforms affected:
Client -- Mac OS X only, OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or 10.5 (Leopard)
Patched files:
Mac OSX - how to apply the hot fix:
Note: This must be done as an user with machine administrative rights, and should be applied to a Mac that already has PASW Statistics 18.0.3 Patch installed on it.
(1) Close all Statistics 18 instances.
(2) Open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app)
(3) Navigate to the directory in which SPSS Statistics 18 was installed. Using the default install location, it would be:
$ cd /Applications/SPSSInc/PASWStatistics18
(4) Navigate inside the Statistics application bundle to the lib directory:
$ cd PASWStatistics18.0.app/Contents/lib
(5) Back up the existing file libspssjvm.dylib to libspssjvm.dylib.orig.
$ sudo mv libspssjvm.dylib libspssjvm.dylib.orig
** (using the sudo command will prompt for your user ID's password - enter it when prompted)
(6) Copy the new libspssjvm.dylib from the location you saved it to the lib directory:
$ sudo cp -p (path where you saved the new libspssjvm.dylib)/libspssjvm.dylib .
- The last dot of the cp command is significant and necessary - it means copy to the current directory.
- You must be in the /Applications/SPSSInc/PASWStatistics18/PASWStatistics18.0.app/Contents/lib directory before doing the copy command in step 6,
or the path in whichever directory you installed Statistics 18).
- If the path to where you saved the updated libspssjvm.dylib has spaces in it, you MUST put quotes around the full path name in the cp command in step 6.
FOR EXAMPLE, if the file is at /Macintosh HD/Users/foo/libspssjvm.dylib, the cp command must be this:
$ sudo cp -p "/Macintosh HD/Users/foo/libspssjvm.dylib" .
Paula Lenox
Library Media/Instructional Technology Specialist
Laurel School District
Instructional Technology Doctoral Candidate Duquesne University