Tobit Error

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Tobit Error

I'm hoping someone is familiar with Tobit.  A user ran Tobit and received
this error: “The R AER package is required but could not be loaded”. SPSS
v25 was used.

Is there any documentation online using this procedure in SPSS?

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Re: Tobit Error

Jon Peck
It appears that when Tobit was installed, it was unable to install the AER package.  Try running this code.

begin program r.  
end program.

You can see the full syntax for the command by pressing F1 with the cursor on an instance of it in the syntax window.

On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 3:43 PM Salbod <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm hoping someone is familiar with Tobit.  A user ran Tobit and received
this error: “The R AER package is required but could not be loaded”. SPSS
v25 was used.

Is there any documentation online using this procedure in SPSS?

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Jon K Peck
[hidden email]

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