Tomorrow, Webinar: Modern Regression Modeling for Voter MicroTargeting

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Tomorrow, Webinar: Modern Regression Modeling for Voter MicroTargeting

Lisa Solomon

Webinar: Modern Regression Modeling for Voter MicroTargeting (no charge)


Join us for a special 2-part webinar about voting trends, presented by our resident data scientist, Christian Kendall. In this webinar we will show how machine learning models and data science can be used in today’s election climate.



·         Alternative link:

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We will cover:

How data science is used in modern campaigns

Regression and predictive analytics for microtargeting

Identifying demographic trends through machine learning

Gaining new insights by using data mining on polls and election data

Understanding affects on voting behavior while making predictions


Live or On-demand:

Part 1: September 14 @ 10am Pacific, Linear Regression and Non-linear regression (MARS®)

Part 2: September 21 @ 10am Pacific, TreeNet® Gradient Boosting and RandomForests®



·         Alternative link:

Can't make it? Sign up and receive the recording!





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