Trouble with path names

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Trouble with path names

Jeff Stuewig
        We have been having some troubles with spss reading in files and
changing the path name.  SPSS will then give an error when saving the data
file because it has truncated the path or the data file name or both.  For
instance we may have a file

S:\DATAENTRY\Jail\Family and Friends\family friend.sav

        SPSS will read it in as


        Then when we try to save it with the tool bar we get an error
because this path does not exist.  Even when we do "save as" and paste it,
it pastes the truncated path.  Anybody know how to fix this?  We are using
version 12 with windows XP.  Thanks.

        On a completely different note.  Anybody used spss or created syntax
(macro) to compute generalizability coefficients (i.e. Shavelson & Webb,

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Re: Trouble with path names

Jeff Stuewig
Hi Simon,
  Thanks.  But there is nothing special about the error message.  It is just your run of the mill can't save error message because spss is trying to save a file to a path that doesn't exist.
  The syntax you suggest won't replicate the problem because it specifies the correct path in the "save" command.  I should have specified that when we originally open the file we do it through double clicking on the .sav file in the "windows explorer" window, not through spss.  But spss will sometimes read it in as a truncated path and/or as a truncated file name as well.  Then when we try to save it (not through syntax) but through clicking on the save icon in spss it fails because it is trying to do it using the truncated name.  If we do "save as" and paste it pastes the truncated path which we can then edit.
  I should also mention that this whole process doesn't happen everytime but it happens enough (and on different computers) to be annoying.  I thought perhaps others had seen this problem with spss version 12 on windows XP but maybe it is just one of those weird computer things.


----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Freidin <[hidden email]>
Date: Monday, October 16, 2006 8:34 pm
Subject: Re: Trouble with path names
To: Jeff Stuewig <[hidden email]>

> You need to post the error message(s)
> Run this to generate some more info and post the output text to
> the list:
> set printback=on.
> get file="S:\DATAENTRY\Jail\Family and Friends\family friend.sav".
> n of cases 1.
> exe.
> save outfile="S:\DATAENTRY\Jail\Family and Friends\family friend
> one case.sav".
> get file="S:\DATAENTRY\Jail\Family and Friends\family friend one
> case.sav".show n.
> At 05:17 AM 17/10/2006, you wrote:
> >         We have been having some troubles with spss reading in
> files and
> >changing the path name.  SPSS will then give an error when saving
> the data
> >file because it has truncated the path or the data file name or
> both.  For
> >instance we may have a file
> >
> >S:\DATAENTRY\Jail\Family and Friends\family friend.sav
> >
> >         SPSS will read it in as
> >
> >S:\DATAENTR\Jail\Family\famil1.sav
> >
> >         Then when we try to save it with the tool bar we get an
> error>because this path does not exist.  Even when we do "save as"
> and paste it,
> >it pastes the truncated path.  Anybody know how to fix this?  We
> are using
> >version 12 with windows XP.  Thanks.
> >
> >
> >         On a completely different note.  Anybody used spss or
> created syntax
> >(macro) to compute generalizability coefficients (i.e. Shavelson
> & Webb,
> >1991)?
> >
> >                 Jeff
> Research Database Manager and Analyst
> Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
> The University of Melbourne
> Melbourne VIC 3010 Australia
> New Tel: (03) 8344 2085 New Fax: (03) 8344 2111