Understanding the purpose of the SPSS command TSET

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Understanding the purpose of the SPSS command TSET

Margaret MacDougall

I would be grateful for advice on how to learn more about what the SPSS command TSET is intended for. I have accessed the help system within SPSS and my own copy of an intermediate guide to SPSS programming. However, neither of these provide a clear enough answer. Could someone please elaborate, in layman's terms, on why one should want to use such a command.

Very many thanks

Best wishes


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Re: Understanding the purpose of the SPSS command TSET

Art Kendall
"TSET sets global parameters to be used by procedures that analyze time series and sequence variables. To display the current settings of these parameters, use the TSHOW command."

Do you have time series or sequential data?

Did you expand the help on each of the options?

What is the context in which you were considering this command?
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants