Uploading multiple Excel sheets using Excel 2010

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Uploading multiple Excel sheets using Excel 2010

Yvonne Montejano
Hello folks,

I've got a script that I use to upload multiple spreadsheets that are in
one Excel workbook onto SPSS.  The only problem is that I have to save
all the Excel workbooks from .xlsx to .xls before running the program,
which is a pain because these workbooks are constantly being updated.

Can someone help by telling me if there's some SPSS patch, etc that I
can download so I don't have to change the Excel version to an earlier
one?  Here is what I am using:

Excel: 2010
SPSS: v18
Python: 2.6

Here is the script (and I have changed the extension below from xls to
xlsx, but it doesn't work):

import spss, spssaux, xlrd

wb = xlrd.open_workbook('R:/Grant Reporting
counties = wb.sheet_names()
sheetCount = wb.nsheets

spss.Submit("title 'Number at: %s.'" %(sheetCount, ))

getcmds = " "
getcmd = """GET DATA /TYPE=XLS
 /FILE='R:/Grant Reporting fy2010/4Q2010/Temp/Supervisions_SAP.xls'
 /SHEET=name '%s'.

ALTER TYPE PIDNumber ReferralNumber (N7.0).
ALTER TYPE PIDNumber ReferralNumber (A7).
ALTER TYPE SupervisionBeginDate  (ADATE10).
ALTER TYPE FundingSource (A2).
ALTER TYPE Name FundingSourceDescription (A50).
ALTER TYPE Blended  TC TL TU TX OtherMoney (F1.0).
dataset name data%s.\n"""
addcmd = "add files "
restcmd = """
select if HQCountyNumber <> " ".
dataset close all.

for k in range(0,sheetCount):
 spss.Submit("title 'Number at: %s.'" %(counties[k], ))
 getcmds += getcmd %(counties[k], counties[k])
 addcmd += "\n /file = data%s"  % (counties[k],)
spss.Submit(getcmds + addcmd + "." + restcmd)

dataVars = spssaux.GetVariableNamesList()
nbVar = spss.GetVariableCount()

for i in range (0,nbVar-1):
        if dataVars[i].count('V') > 0:
                spss.Submit("DELETE VARIABLES %s." %(dataVars[i],))


Thanks in advance for your help!
C. Yvonne Montejano
Research Specialist
Texas Juvenile Probation Commission
tel (512) 424-6695
fax (512) 424-6717

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Re: Uploading multiple Excel sheets using Excel 2010

Jon K Peck
Last time I looked, xlrd did not support the newer Excel formats.  Changing the file extensions will not help.

Here is a little program that will work if you know how many sheets are in a file.

begin program.
import spss, spssaux
for i in range(3):
  spssaux.OpenDataFile("filespec.xlsx", dataset="ds"+str(i),
     filetype="xlsx", sheetid =i+1)
end program.

This works with V19 and should work with 18, too.  If you don't know the number of sheets but know the maximum, just wrap in a try block and quit when you get an error.


Jon Peck
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]

From:        Yvonne Montejano <[hidden email]>
To:        [hidden email]
Date:        10/07/2010 08:48 AM
Subject:        [SPSSX-L] Uploading multiple Excel sheets using Excel 2010
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]>

Hello folks,

I've got a script that I use to upload multiple spreadsheets that are in
one Excel workbook onto SPSS.  The only problem is that I have to save
all the Excel workbooks from .xlsx to .xls before running the program,
which is a pain because these workbooks are constantly being updated.

Can someone help by telling me if there's some SPSS patch, etc that I
can download so I don't have to change the Excel version to an earlier
one?  Here is what I am using:

Excel: 2010
SPSS: v18
Python: 2.6

Here is the script (and I have changed the extension below from xls to
xlsx, but it doesn't work):

import spss, spssaux, xlrd

wb = xlrd.open_workbook('R:/Grant Reporting
counties = wb.sheet_names()
sheetCount = wb.nsheets

spss.Submit("title 'Number at: %s.'" %(sheetCount, ))

getcmds = " "
getcmd = """GET DATA /TYPE=XLS
/FILE='R:/Grant Reporting fy2010/4Q2010/Temp/Supervisions_SAP.xls'
/SHEET=name '%s'.

ALTER TYPE PIDNumber ReferralNumber (N7.0).
ALTER TYPE PIDNumber ReferralNumber (A7).
ALTER TYPE SupervisionBeginDate  (ADATE10).
ALTER TYPE FundingSource (A2).
ALTER TYPE Name FundingSourceDescription (A50).
ALTER TYPE Blended  TC TL TU TX OtherMoney (F1.0).
dataset name data%s.\n"""
addcmd = "add files "
restcmd = """
select if HQCountyNumber <> " ".
dataset close all.

for k in range(0,sheetCount):
spss.Submit("title 'Number at: %s.'" %(counties[k], ))
getcmds += getcmd %(counties[k], counties[k])
addcmd += "\n /file = data%s"  % (counties[k],)
spss.Submit(getcmds + addcmd + "." + restcmd)

dataVars = spssaux.GetVariableNamesList()
nbVar = spss.GetVariableCount()

for i in range (0,nbVar-1):
       if dataVars[i].count('V') > 0:
               spss.Submit("DELETE VARIABLES %s." %(dataVars[i],))


Thanks in advance for your help!
C. Yvonne Montejano
Research Specialist
Texas Juvenile Probation Commission
tel (512) 424-6695
fax (512) 424-6717

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Re: Uploading multiple Excel sheets using Excel 2010


What if I want to write additional code to determine the number of sheets in the workbook?

Appreciate the reply.