I’ve performed the Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) test using SPSS 21. The test results show that there is a significant difference between the groups (Chi-square =37.233, df=7, P= < .000). Now I want to find out which groups are significantly different. After searching about the post hok test available for K-W test in SPSS, I’ve been able to understand the following: Before version 18 post hok tests for K-W test were not available in SPSS. After version 18 post hok tests are shown in the model viewer if the test results are significant. However to read the results one have to click on the viewer. Here is the excerpt I’m referring to from: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21477370
“As of Release 18, the new NPTESTS procedure offers post hoc tests for the Kruskal-Wallis omnibus test. In the menus, select Analyze>Nonparametric Tests>Independent
Samples. You will get a Kruskal-Wallis test and post hoc tests automatically if the omnibus test is significant if you specify a grouping variable with
More than two levels and one or more test or response variables that are defined as having measurement scale levels of Scale. Note that the full test results
For the K-W test and the post-hoc tests are contained in the Model Viewer in the output. You need to double-click on this object in the output to see the
omnibus test results, which will be on the right-hand side of the Viewer when it opens. Select the View drop down at the bottom of the screen and Pairwise
Comparisons to see the post-hoc results.”
My questions are: one is there any way that I can use the keyboard to first make the results of post hok tests visible, and second export them to Microsoft word? I’ve export the results of K-W test, but the post hok tests which should be in the model viewer are not exporting. I cannot use syntax or mouse to do what I want. Can anyone suggest a way to do this using the GUI interface?