Which test?

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Which test?

Karl Koch
Hello group,

I have performed a simple experiment (and got the data). Now it is time to find out if the results are stat. significant. I would prefer a non-parametric test since less assumptions are required to hold.

I have one IV (system) with two possible categories (system A and system B). My null hypothesis is that both systems cause the same effect on participants. The outcome variable are a number of relevance ratings (on a 6 point scale S={1,2,3,4,5,6}) from users that used system A and a number of relevance ratings from the same users that used system B. The number of relevance ratings users did was up to them and can be different for system A and system B. An extract of the data looks like this:

User   System   Rating
1      A        2
1      A        1
1      A        3
1      B        4
1      B        6
2      B        5
2      B        6
2      A        2
2      A        1
2      B        6

It is important to point out that half of the users have first used System A and then system B to solve the task. The other half of the users have done the opposed order.

Since both systems have been counterbalanced, I would assume that the Mann-Whitney test should be my choice.

However, I also have used the same people on the test and that would formally ask for a Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test.

I would like to know what the experts here think about that.

Best Regards,

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