I appreciate the responses I have gotten to my question, but I must admit a failure (mine) to understand where to put my data file. Question for you -- Where oh where does my "data list file = 'x:\testnibrsdata.dat'" go? None of the examples I've found show where the 'data list' goes and it seems to me this must be specified! <<data list statement here, same for record type 2,3,etc>> End file type. Else if rdw = 233. File type mixed file = 'x:\ucrr\testnibrsdata.dat' <<data list statement here, same for record type 2,3,etc>> End if. End input program.
When I run this syntax I get the following output: input program. data list file= 'x:\testnibrsdata.dat' / rdw 1-4. Data List will read 1 records from x:\testnibrsdata.dat Variable Rec Start End Format rdw 1 1 4 F4.0 do if rdw = 258. file type mixed file = 'x:\ucrr\testnibrsdata.dat' >Error # 101. Command name: file type >This command is not allowed in the set of file definition commands. Either >complete the definition of the file, or use the NEW FILE command to discard >the partial file definition. >Execution of this command stops. record = ibr_rec 5 (a) . Record type '1'. >Error # 6070. Command name: Record type >A RECORD TYPE command was found without a FILE TYPE command. The RECORD TYPE >command can only be used inside a FILE TYPE structure. >Execution of this command stops. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Daniel Bibel Massachusetts State Police Crime Reporting Unit 124 Acton Street Maynard, MA 01754 978-451-3731 (voice) 978-451-3707 (fax) |
I believe I stated previously that you will have to go completely with INPUT PROGRAM.
FILE TYPE is *NOT* permitted in this case. The filespec can be placed on the first DATA LIST OTOH, consider the following where different 'levels' of the data reading control process reference different file names! This reads a hierarchical file where the different levels of the hierarchy are stored in different files and the number of records in the next file to be read are stored in a field within the 'parent' record. INPUT PROGRAM. + DATA LIST FILE 'C:\TEMP\data1.txt' /id reccount x1 to x4 (6F1). + LEAVE id reccount x1 to x4. + LOOP #=1 TO reccount. + DATA LIST FILE 'C:\TEMP\data2.txt' /ID2 level2_recnum reccount2 y1 TO y3 (6F1). + LEAVE ID2 level2_recnum reccount2 y1 TO y3. + LOOP ##=1 TO reccount2. + DATA LIST FILE 'C:\TEMP\data3.txt' /ID3 recnumlev_2 level3_recnum fact (4F1). + END CASE. + END LOOP. END LOOP. END INPUT PROGRAM. LIST. <data1.txt> 143456 234567 323458 <data2.txt> 114789 123567 133567 144678 213567 223567 234678 313567 323567 <data3.txt> 1114 1125 1136 1143 1215 1226 1237 1319 1328 1330 1412 1427 1438 1445 2119 2129 2136 2219 2229 2236 2319 2329 2336 2349 3119 3126 3138 3219 3226 3283 This could also be read as follows using inline data see below or the filespec could be placed on the first DATA LIST: This could also be read using FILE TYPE NESTED, but I will leave that to you to think about. INPUT PROGRAM. + DATA LIST /id reccount x1 to x4 (6F1). + LEAVE id reccount x1 to x4. + LOOP #=1 TO reccount. + DATA LIST /ID2 level2_recnum reccount2 y1 TO y3 2-7. + LEAVE ID2 level2_recnum reccount2 y1 TO y3. + LOOP ##=1 TO reccount2. + DATA LIST /ID3 recnumlev_2 level3_recnum fact 3-6. + END CASE. + END LOOP. END LOOP. END INPUT PROGRAM. BEGIN DATA 143456 114789 1114 1125 1136 1143 123567 1215 1226 1237 133567 1319 1328 1330 144678 1412 1427 1438 1445 234567 213567 1412 1427 1438 223567 2119 2129 2136 234678 2319 2329 2336 2349 323458 313567 3119 3126 3138 323567 3219 3226 3283 END DATA. LIST.
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Correction to my posting:
In order to read that file with FILE TYPE NESTED one would have to add a record type variable to each row. It would look like the following along with the corresponding FILE TYPE code. FILE TYPE NESTED /rectype 1 (A). RECORD TYPE "A". DATA LIST / ID 2 (F) rcount2 3 (F) x1 TO x4 4-7 (F). RECORD TYPE "B". DATA LIST /ID2 level2_recnum reccount2 y1 TO y3 3-8. RECORD TYPE "C". DATA LIST /ID3 recnumlev_2 level3_recnum fact 4-7. END FILE TYPE. BEGIN DATA A143456 B 114789 C 1114 C 1125 C 1136 C 1143 B 123567 C 1215 C 1226 C 1237 B 133567 C 1319 C 1328 C 1330 B 144678 C 1412 C 1427 C 1438 C 1445 A234567 B 213567 C 1412 C 1427 C 1438 B 223567 C 2119 C 2129 C 2136 B 234678 C 2319 C 2329 C 2336 C 2349 A323458 B 313567 C 3119 C 3126 C 3138 B 323567 C 3219 C 3226 C 3283 END DATA. LIST.
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me. --- "Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis." Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?" |
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