callixeina wrote
Hello all,
My research is archaeological and I am looking at distribution of ancient lamps across time (descriptive and inferential (chi-square and fisher's exact test). Most of my lamps are coded into 50-year brackets (0-50 BC=1, 50-100 BC=2, 100-150 BC=3, 150-200 BC =4 and so forth). I, however, have a number of lamps that cannot be categorised as above.
For instance I have a lamp that is dates to 50-150 BC. For various reasons, I have decided to enter that lamp 2 times – once 50-100 BC =2 and once 100-150 BC =3. However if enter a single lamp twice then this will increase the total number of object entries that I have.
Is there a way to enter a single object twice without increasing the total number of the objects I have entered into my SPSS dataset?
I am a real novice with SPSS and any help would be much appreciated.
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