calculating average silhouette

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calculating average silhouette

Matthew Pirritano



I’m attempting to calculate the average silhouette for a hierarchical cluster analysis using ward’s method. I’m toying with R, since there appears to be a way to calculate it there. But I’m running against the wall of my R ignorance in that attempt. I thought about just doing the calculations for average silhouette in SPSS. I understand the calculation in theory. I need to find the dissimilarity between all points within a cluster, and all points between clusters. Using Euclidean distance I’m not clear how it is calculated when you have 8 variables in the cluster analysis. Maybe there’s a python or r extension that can do this?



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Re: calculating average silhouette

Kirill Orlov
You can find calculation of silhouette statistic in SPSS on
(See "clustering criterions" collection)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 12:57 AM
Subject: calculating average silhouette



I’m attempting to calculate the average silhouette for a hierarchical cluster analysis using ward’s method. I’m toying with R, since there appears to be a way to calculate it there. But I’m running against the wall of my R ignorance in that attempt. I thought about just doing the calculations for average silhouette in SPSS. I understand the calculation in theory. I need to find the dissimilarity between all points within a cluster, and all points between clusters. Using Euclidean distance I’m not clear how it is calculated when you have 8 variables in the cluster analysis. Maybe there’s a python or r extension that can do this?

