On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 10:59:34 -0400, Daniel Robertson <
[hidden email]>
>Steve Raudenbush and colleagues developed a nice little Windows program
>for power analysis of longitudinal and multi-level designs. Go to
http://sitemaker.umich.edu/group-based/optimal_design_software> for the
>software and documentation.
>Charla Lopez wrote:
>> Can anyone refer me to reference to determine the effect size for a mixed
>> model longitudinal design?
>> Thanks.
>Daniel Robertson
>Sr. Research and Planning Associate
>Institutional Research and Planning
>Cornell University
>440 Day Hall, Ithaca NY 14853-2801
>ph:607.255.9642 / irp.cornell.edu
Thanks - I am really looking to test the effect size of a mixed model that
I have already run, rather than to run a power analysis, which is what
Raudenbush's Optimal Design program seems to be tailored to. Does anyone
know if it is kosher to use the Rosenthaland Rosnow (1991)conversion of the
t-statistic to cohen's d for the main effect?
formula for effect size of 2 groups =d = t(n1 + n2) / [sqrt(df)sqrt(n1n2)]
Thanks again.