Fellow users,
Has anyone on the list run into the following problem: When exporting
the output to a pdf format, the text that has been inserted to comment the
results in the output is partly cut off on the right edge. The text is left
aligned but the ending of a line on the right is often cut off.
For example, assume that this line fits into the textbox within the
“The difference between the experimental and the control group is
What appears in the exported document is:
“The difference between the experimental and the control group is
sign” .
The “ificant” does not wrap down to the next line, it
simply disappears.
This goes whether the page is set to portrait or landscape.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Dominic Lusinchi
Far West Research
Statistical Consulting
San Francisco, California
Telephone/Fax: 415-664-3032
Skype: fwr.dl
Email: [hidden email]
ü Web: www.farwestresearch.com