frist ? character of value

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frist ? character of value

behnaz shirazi-2
Hello Dear All,

I wonder if you know how I can get the 2 or 3 first character of a value.for
example I have XX variable with following value:

I want to create a new variable from this variable which contains just frist
2 or 3 character of this values:

Do you have any idea?

Thanks in advance
Behnaz Shirazi


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Re: frist ? character of value

Oliver, Richard
In this case, it would appear that you want everything prior to "|", so:

*create some sample data.
data list list (",") /oldstring (a15).
begin data
end data.
*now the code to create the new variable.
string newstring (a3).
compute newstring=substr(oldstring, 1, index(oldstring, "|")-1).
execute. /*to see the result immediately.

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of behnaz shirazi
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 12:03 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [BULK] frist ? character of value
Importance: Low

Hello Dear All,

I wonder if you know how I can get the 2 or 3 first character of a value.for
example I have XX variable with following value:

I want to create a new variable from this variable which contains just frist
2 or 3 character of this values:

Do you have any idea?

Thanks in advance
Behnaz Shirazi


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Re: frist ? character of value

behnaz shirazi-2
Thank you so much Oliver,
It works fine for me .Just I have a original problem which I don't know how
to fix.My main problem is that I have several dates ,let's say , T1, T2,
T3....... to T24.I want to find the max T (date) .Up to now it is ok because
I get the max of all dates but each date has number and other
characteristics which I need to have them as well.But I don't know how I can
get this variables after findinf max T.
In fact I don't know after findind MAX how I can search it through my file
to catch the number of this T and other information.

Do you have any idea in this case?

I appreciated your help
Thanks again

>From: "Oliver, Richard" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: "Oliver, Richard" <[hidden email]>
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: Re: [BULK]  frist ? character of value
>Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 12:30:38 -0600
>In this case, it would appear that you want everything prior to "|", so:
>*create some sample data.
>data list list (",") /oldstring (a15).
>begin data
>end data.
>*now the code to create the new variable.
>string newstring (a3).
>compute newstring=substr(oldstring, 1, index(oldstring, "|")-1).
>execute. /*to see the result immediately.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
>behnaz shirazi
>Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 12:03 PM
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [BULK] frist ? character of value
>Importance: Low
>Hello Dear All,
>I wonder if you know how I can get the 2 or 3 first character of a
>example I have XX variable with following value:
>I want to create a new variable from this variable which contains just
>2 or 3 character of this values:
>Do you have any idea?
>Thanks in advance
>Behnaz Shirazi
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