Hello Everyone -- We apologize for the extra message in your inbox, but we wanted to briefly remind those who might be interested that CenterStat still has seats open in all of our spring workshops. This includes our completely free three-day class in Structural Equation Modeling held on May 10-12.
We offer 11 different classes across a broad range of topics in design and data analysis, many of which feature SPSS among various software options. All classes are live-streaming with unlimited viewing of video recordings for six additional months. We also provide detailed lecture notes and computer demonstration PDFs along with all code and data. Finally, we like to laugh and have lots of fun.
To introduce some of our new classes we have brief interviews with a number of our instructors, and these can be seen at
https://bit.ly/3rMFLXl . A listing of our offerings are below and visit centerstat.org for complete details, including information on tuition reductions for students.
Thanks very much -- take care and stay safe.
Patrick Curran & Dan Bauer
https://centerstat.org/YouTube Tutorials:
https://bit.ly/380rXQtHelp Desk FAQs:
https://bit.ly/37WCSuBFree Lavaan demos:
https://bit.ly/3mlc1jbInterviews with instructors:
Free Introduction to SEM: May 10-12
Dan Bauer & Patrick Curran
Network Analysis: May 17-21
Doug Steinley
Multilevel Modeling: May 17-21
Dan Bauer & Patrick Curran
Latent Class/Cluster Analysis & Mixture Modeling: May 24-28
Dan Bauer & Doug Steinley
Applied Measurement Modeling: May 24-28
Greg Hancock & Patrick Curran
Applied Research Design Using Mixed Methods: June 3-4
Greg Guest
Longitudinal Structural Equation Modeling: June 7-11
Dan Bauer & Patrick Curran
Applied Qualitative Research: June 14-18
Greg Guest & Emily Namey
Introduction to Quantitative Meta-Analysis: June 15-18
Tasha Beretvas
Analyzing Intensive Longitudinal Data: June 21-15
Niall Bolger & Jean-Philippe Laurenceau
Machine Learning: Theory & Applications: June 21-25
Doug Steinley
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