I want to run the following example: but my problem is, I can't get the frequency tables: ***oms_bootstrapping.sps***. ***if c:\temp is not a valid drive\path, replace all instances of c:\temp with a valid drive\path. PRESERVE. SET TVARS NAMES. *first OMS command just suppresses Viewer output. OMS /DESTINATION VIEWER=NO /TAG='suppressall'. *select regression coefficients tables and write to data file. OMS /SELECT TABLES /IF COMMANDS=['Regression'] SUBTYPES=['Coefficients'] /DESTINATION FORMAT=SAV OUTFILE='c:\temp\temp.sav' /COLUMNS DIMNAMES=[ 'Variables' 'Statistics'] /TAG='reg_coeff'. *define a macro to draw samples with replacement and run Regression commands. DEFINE regression_bootstrap (samples=!TOKENS(1) /depvar=!TOKENS(1) /indvars=!CMDEND) COMPUTE dummyvar=1. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='c:\temp\aggrtemp.sav' /BREAK=dummyvar /filesize=N. MATCH FILES FILE=* /TABLE='c:\temp\aggrtemp.sav' /BY dummyvar. !DO !other=1 !TO !samples SET SEED RANDOM. WEIGHT OFF. FILTER OFF. DO IF $casenum=1. - COMPUTE #samplesize=filesize. - COMPUTE #filesize=filesize. END IF. DO IF (#samplesize>0 and #filesize>0). - COMPUTE sampleWeight=rv.binom(#samplesize, 1/#filesize). - COMPUTE #samplesize=#samplesize-sampleWeight. - COMPUTE #filesize=#filesize-1. ELSE. - COMPUTE sampleWeight=0. END IF. WEIGHT BY sampleWeight. FILTER BY sampleWeight. REGRESSION /STATISTICS COEFF /DEPENDENT !depvar /METHOD=ENTER !indvars. !DOEND !ENDDEFINE. ***insert any valid path\data file name***. GET FILE='c:\Program Files\SPSS\Employee data.sav'. ***Call the macro, and specify number of samples, dependent variable, and independent variables. regression_bootstrap samples=100 depvar=salary indvars=salbegin jobtime . OMSEND. GET FILE 'c:\temp\temp.sav'. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=salbegin_B salbegin_Beta jobtime_B jobtime_Beta /FORMAT NOTABLE /PERCENTILES= 2.5 97.5 /HISTOGRAM NORMAL. RESTORE. Actually I want to use this macro to make a jacknifing resampling by using the following SPSS - resolution, which says that I have only to replace the procedure in the beginning of the macro: *** oms_bootstrapping.sps ***. *********************************************************** . * This macro is a 'Wrapper' for arbitrary syntax. * Relace the contents of the block indicated below * with syntax of your chosing. * Nothing else need change. *********************************************************** . define syntax_macro( sample_weight=!tokens(1) /groupvar=!tokens(1) !default('') ). ************************************************************ . weight by !unquote(!sample_weight) . *. * Add any block of syntax below: *. *///// Beginning of block of syntax to be replaced....... FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=!groupvar /ORDER= ANALYSIS . GLM salbegin salary BY gender minority /WSFACTOR = time 2 Polynomial /EMMEANS = TABLES(gender*minority*time) COMPARE(gender) /WSDESIGN = time /DESIGN = gender minority gender*minority . *///snytax to replace, sayfor example:*. REGRESSION /STATISTICS COEFF /DEPENDENT salary /METHOD=ENTER salbegin jobtime. *\\\\\ End of block of syntax to be replaced.................. *. ************************************************************ . !enddefine . ************************************************************ . ************************************************************ . * draw samples with replacement and run syntax commands ************************************************************ . DEFINE bootstrap ( samples=!TOKENS(1) /groupvar=!TOKENS(1) !DEFAULT('dummyvar') /groupsize=!TOKENS(1) !DEFAULT('') /syntax_parameters=!CMDEND !DEFAULT('') ). ************************************************************ . /* This section computes the groupsize, or filesize */ /* if no size variable is given, compute group size */ !if (!groupsize !eq '') !then !if (!groupvar !eq 'dummyvar') !then COMPUTE dummyvar=1. !else SORT CASES BY !groupvar . !ifend AGGREGATE /OUTFILE=* MODE=ADDVARIABLES /BREAK=!groupvar /filesize=N. !else SORT CASES BY !groupvar . compute filesize=!unquote(!groupsize) . !ifend /* Now compute the sample weights repeatedly */ !DO !other=1 !TO !samples SET SEED RANDOM. WEIGHT OFF. FILTER OFF. DO IF ($casenum=1) OR (!groupvar ~= LAG(!groupvar)). - COMPUTE #samplesize=filesize. - COMPUTE #filesize=filesize. END IF. DO IF (#samplesize>0 and #filesize>0). - COMPUTE sampleWeight=rv.binom(#samplesize, 1/#filesize). - COMPUTE #samplesize=#samplesize-sampleWeight. - COMPUTE #filesize=#filesize-1. ELSE. - COMPUTE sampleWeight=0. END IF. WEIGHT BY sampleWeight. FILTER BY sampleWeight. /* Finally it's time to run the syntax */ syntax_macro sample_weight=sampleWeight groupvar=!groupvar !unquote(!syntax_parameters) . !DOEND ************************************************************ . !enddefine. ************************************************************ . ************************************************************ . * macro to simplify use of OMS. ************************************************************ . define oms_macro( commands=!tokens(1) /subtypes=!tokens(1) /outfile=!tokens(1) /format=!tokens(1) !default('SAV') ). ************************************************************ . OMS /SELECT TABLES /IF COMMANDS = [!quote(!unquote(!commands))] SUBTYPES = [!quote(!unquote(!subtypes))] /DESTINATION FORMAT = !unquote(!format) OUTFILE = !quote(!unquote(!outfile)) . ************************************************************ . !enddefine. ************************************************************ . /*** end macro definitions ***/ /*** use of the macros is illustrated below ***/ /*************************************************************/ * Run from here to end . *. *** if c:\temp is not a valid drive\path, replace all instances of c:\temp with a valid drive\path ***. /* ensure that the variable names in the files are what the syntax expects */ PRESERVE. SET TVARS NAMES. set mprint=on . *** insert any valid path\data file name ***. GET FILE='c:\Program Files\SPSS\Employee data.sav'. /* Try the log to see if it helps make the variances equal */ compute salary = ln(salary) . compute salbegin = ln(salbegin). /* To sample from a balanced design, need a suitable group variable */ compute gender_by_minority = 2 * (gender='m') + minority . compute sampleWeight = 1 . execute. /* Call syntax_macro to see what the output without sampling is */ syntax_macro sample_weight=sampleWeight groupvar=gender_by_minority . *** first OMS command just suppresses Viewer output ***. OMS /DESTINATION VIEWER=NO /TAG='suppressall'. *;),) and I#m not quite sure how to replace the OMS- commands**. *** Now use the macro to divert any desired tables into files. oms_macro commands=GLM subtypes="Tests of Within Subjects Contrasts" outfile="C:\temp\ws_effects.sav" . oms_macro commands=GLM SUBTYPES = "EMMEANS Pairwise Comparisons" OUTFILE = "C:\temp\emmeans.sav" . . oms_macro COMMANDS = "Frequencies" SUBTYPES = "Frequencies" OUTFILE = "c:\temp\temp_freq.sav" . /* * Call the macro: * always specify number of samples. * If groupvar is not given, groupsize will apply to the entire file. * If groupvar is given, groupsize will be computed for each of its values, * unless groupsize is also given. * In that case: if groupsize is a variable, the first value in each group is used. * If groupsize is a number, the same number wil be chosen from each group. * For example, to get a balanced ANOVA design, construct a single groupvar * from A and B; e.g. 2*A+B, and select an equal number from each. */ bootstrap samples=100 groupvar=gender_by_minority groupsize=30 . /* end all of the OMS requests and write the files */ OMSEND. /* check to see if the within-subjects effects are significant */ GET FILE 'c:\temp\ws_effects.sav'. SORT CASES BY Var1 . SPLIT FILE LAYERED BY Var1 . FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=F /FORMAT NOTABLE /PERCENTILES= 2.5 97.5 /STATISTICS=MEAN MEDIAN /HISTOGRAM NORMAL. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Sig /FORMAT NOTABLE /PERCENTILES= 2.5 97.5 /STATISTICS=MEAN MEDIAN /HISTOGRAM NORMAL. /* Check to see if there is a difference between groups */ GET FILE = 'c:\temp\emmeans.sav' . SELECT IF(Var3 = 'Male'). EXECUTE . SORT CASES BY Var1 Var2. SPLIT FILE LAYERED BY Var1 Var2. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=MeanDifferenceIJ /FORMAT NOTABLE /PERCENTILES= 2.5 97.5 /STATISTICS=MEAN MEDIAN /HISTOGRAM NORMAL /ORDER= ANALYSIS . FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=Sig /FORMAT NOTABLE /PERCENTILES= 2.5 97.5 /STATISTICS=MEAN MEDIAN /HISTOGRAM NORMAL /ORDER= ANALYSIS . Has anyone got an idea?? Peter |
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