Here's an old manual from the SPSS Training Dept with some advice on analyzing Latin square designs (see chapter 10). nowadays, it probably makes more sense to use the MIXED procedure. If you go that route, you'll need a LONG data file with one row per measurement of the DV, with variables coding ID and all of the factors in your model.
kali3 wrote
Hi everyone,
I have ran an experiment that uses an incomplete latin square design and I am not sure how to run it with SPSS.
So I've got 3 tasks, called R, I and P, but participants only completed two of them (which gave me 6 possible combinations: IR, RI, IP, PI, RP, PR).
They then repeated the tasks in the same order, so I have a repeated measure between time 1 and time 2.
How can I set up my data to analyse it correctly with SPSS?
Thank you so much for your help!
Bruce Weaver"When all else fails, RTFM."
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