multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

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multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable. 
1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the other IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1 and  the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?

2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called Process ( but it gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds something like :
Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE command parameter
>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>This command not executed.
Does anyone know what it means?
This is the syntax:
define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
   /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf = !charend('/') !default(95)
   /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval = !charend('/') !default(999)/
   vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/') !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)
  /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/') !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/') !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
   /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/') !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/') !default(1)
   /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/') !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn = !charend('/') !default(0)/
     coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/') !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/') !default(random)).
Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
Thanks much,
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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

David Marso
2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?

From the instructions you did not read:
"Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code at all. "
Anter wrote
I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable. 
1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the other IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1 and  the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?

2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called Process ( but it gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds something like :
Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE command parameter
>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>This command not executed.
Does anyone know what it means?
This is the syntax:
define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
   /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf = !charend('/') !default(95)
   /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval = !charend('/') !default(999)/
   vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/') !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)
  /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/') !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/') !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
   /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/') !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/') !default(1)
   /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/') !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn = !charend('/') !default(0)/
     coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/') !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/') !default(random)).

Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
Thanks much,
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me.
"Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis."
Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?"
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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

In reply to this post by Anter

Yes, I did bother to read the PDF and the others from mediation and some articles... However programming isn't something I know. I don't really understand where to put the name of my variables, if not in the syntax shown below? If I write the names here
INDIRECT y = dv/x = iv/m = mlist covlist/c = cov/boot = z/conf = ci/normal = n/contrast = t/percent = p/bc = b/bca = d */.
nothing happens, no output appears. This is why I asked if there are errors because of the older version of spss or because I am writing it wrong.
Thank you.

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: David Marso <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 3:21 PM

2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?

From the instructions you did not read:
"Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program
file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code at
all. "
Anter wrote

> Hello!
> Â
> I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable.Â
> Â
> 1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was
> significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do
> this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV
> positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the other
> IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly
> predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for
> would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1 andÂ
> the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?
> 2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called
> Process
> (Â but it
> gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know
> if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version
> of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I
> insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use
> spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds
> something like :
> Â
> Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE command parameter
>>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>>This command not executed.
> Â
> Does anyone know what it means?
> Â
> This is the syntax:
> Â
> define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y
> = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
>    /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v =
> !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf =
> !charend('/') !default(95)
>    /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/')
> !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval =
> !charend('/') !default(999)/
>    vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/')
> !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval =
> !charend('/') !default (999)
>   /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
>    /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/')
> !default(1)
>    /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/')
> !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn =
> !charend('/') !default(0)/
>      coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/')
> !default(random)).
> Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
> Thanks much,
> Â
> Andra

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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

Bruce Weaver
DISCLAIMER:  I have never used any of the macros you are talking about here.  

Have you seen the example of how to call the INDIRECT macro on p. 890 of

Anter wrote
Yes, I did bother to read the PDF and the others from mediation and some articles... However programming isn't something I know. I don't really understand where to put the name of my variables, if not in the syntax shown below? If I write the names here
INDIRECT y = dv/x = iv/m = mlist covlist/c = cov/boot = z/conf = ci/normal = n/contrast = t/percent = p/bc = b/bca = d */.
nothing happens, no output appears. This is why I asked if there are errors because of the older version of spss or because I am writing it wrong.
Thank you.

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: David Marso <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 3:21 PM

2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?

From the instructions you did not read:
"Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program
file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code at
all. "
Anter wrote
> Hello!
> Â
> I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable.Â
> Â
> 1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was
> significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do
> this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV
> positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the other
> IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly
> predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for
> would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1 andÂ
> the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?
> 2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called
> Process
> ( but it
> gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know
> if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version
> of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I
> insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use
> spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds
> something like :
> Â
> Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE command parameter
>>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>>This command not executed.
> Â
> Does anyone know what it means?
> Â
> This is the syntax:
> Â
> define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y
> = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
>    /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v =
> !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf =
> !charend('/') !default(95)
>    /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/')
> !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval =
> !charend('/') !default(999)/
>    vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/')
> !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval =
> !charend('/') !default (999)
>   /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
>    /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/')
> !default(1)
>    /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/')
> !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn =
> !charend('/') !default(0)/
>      coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/')
> !default(random)).
> Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
> Thanks much,
> Â
> Andra

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Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at

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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above.
2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA (
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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

David Marso
In reply to this post by Anter
There are something like 14 macros on that site and I was assuming you are running the first one (PROCESS) but then you switch to the second one (INDIRECT)!
DO NOT MODIFY THE MACRO!  That completely defeats the purpose of having a macro in the first place.
Follow the instructions and look at the several annotated examples provided by Prof Hayes.
This does not require knowledge of programming.  It merely assumes some basic level of reading comprehension and a capacity to follow the instructions.  

Anter wrote
Yes, I did bother to read the PDF and the others from mediation and some articles... However programming isn't something I know. I don't really understand where to put the name of my variables, if not in the syntax shown below? If I write the names here
INDIRECT y = dv/x = iv/m = mlist covlist/c = cov/boot = z/conf = ci/normal = n/contrast = t/percent = p/bc = b/bca = d */.
nothing happens, no output appears. This is why I asked if there are errors because of the older version of spss or because I am writing it wrong.
Thank you.

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: David Marso <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 3:21 PM

2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?

From the instructions you did not read:
"Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program
file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code at
all. "
Anter wrote
> Hello!
> Â
> I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable.Â
> Â
> 1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was
> significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do
> this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV
> positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the other
> IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly
> predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for
> would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1 andÂ
> the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?
> 2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called
> Process
> ( but it
> gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know
> if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version
> of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I
> insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use
> spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds
> something like :
> Â
> Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE command parameter
>>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>>This command not executed.
> Â
> Does anyone know what it means?
> Â
> This is the syntax:
> Â
> define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y
> = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
>    /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v =
> !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf =
> !charend('/') !default(95)
>    /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/')
> !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval =
> !charend('/') !default(999)/
>    vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/')
> !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval =
> !charend('/') !default (999)
>   /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
>    /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/')
> !default(1)
>    /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/')
> !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn =
> !charend('/') !default(0)/
>      coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/')
> !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/')
> !default(random)).
> Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
> Thanks much,
> Â
> Andra

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command. To leave the list, send the command
For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me.
"Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis."
Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?"
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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

For what I need to do they both, Indirect and Process, are equally usefull. I run the macro, after introducing the data according to the instructions, and nothing happens ... the output doesn't appear ... I think it is from spss, otherwise I can't explain it. I've run the Indirect macro from and it worked and know it just gives me <Unexpected error; quiting>. Don't think reinstalling spss would solve it.

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: David Marso <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:10 PM

There are something like 14 macros on that site and I was assuming you are
running the first one (PROCESS) but then you switch to the second one
DO NOT MODIFY THE MACRO!  That completely defeats the purpose of having a
macro in the first place.
Follow the instructions and look at the several annotated examples provided
by Prof Hayes.
This does not require knowledge of programming.  It merely assumes some
basic level of reading comprehension and a capacity to follow the

Anter wrote

> Yes, I did bother to read the PDF and the others from mediation and some
> articles... However programming isn't something I know. I don't really
> understand where to put the name of my variables, if not in the syntax
> shown below? If I write the names here
> INDIRECT y = dv/x = iv/m = mlist covlist/c = cov/boot = z/conf = ci/normal
> = n/contrast = t/percent = p/bc = b/bca = d */.
> nothing happens, no output appears. This is why I asked if there are
> errors because of the older version of spss or because I am writing it
> wrong.
> Thank you.
> Andra
> --- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso &lt;david.marso@&gt; wrote:
> From: David Marso &lt;david.marso@&gt;
> Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
> Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 3:21 PM
> 2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?
> From the instructions you did not read:
> "Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program
> file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code at
> all. "
> ---
> --
> Anter wrote
>> Hello!
>> Â
>> I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable.Â
>> Â
>> 1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was
>> significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do
>> this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV
>> positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the
>> other
>> IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly
>> predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for
>> would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1
>> andÂ
>> the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?
>> 2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called
>> Process
>> (Â but it
>> gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know
>> if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version
>> of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I
>> insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use
>> spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds
>> something like :
>> Â
>> Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>>>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE commandÂ

>>>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>>>This command not executed.
>> Â
>> Does anyone know what it means?
>> Â
>> This is the syntax:
>> Â
>> define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y
>> = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
>>    /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v =
>> !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf =
>> !charend('/') !default(95)
>>    /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/')
>> !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default(999)/
>>    vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/')
>> !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default (999)
>>   /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
>>    /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/')
>> !default(1)
>>    /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/')
>> !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn =
>> !charend('/') !default(0)/
>>      coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/')
>> !default(random)).
>> Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
>> Thanks much,
>> Â
>> Andra
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at
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> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> LISTSERV@.UGA (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

Jon K Peck
I'm not familiar with these macros, but when you run them, watch the status bar to see what is running.  You should see the expanded macro commands flash by.  If not, then you haven't actually gotten the macro to run.

It is very unlikely that the SPSS version would matter.

If you can run an actual example from the doc using its example data, that should tell you whether you have it basically set up correctly.

Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621

From:        Andra Th <[hidden email]>
To:        [hidden email]
Date:        07/24/2012 12:47 PM
Subject:        Re: [SPSSX-L] multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]>

For what I need to do they both, Indirect and Process, are equally usefull. I run the macro, after introducing the data according to the instructions, and nothing happens ... the output doesn't appear ... I think it is from spss, otherwise I can't explain it. I've run the Indirect macro from and it worked and know it just gives me <Unexpected error; quiting>. Don't think reinstalling spss would solve it.

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: David Marso <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:10 PM

There are something like 14 macros on that site and I was assuming you are
running the first one (PROCESS) but then you switch to the second one
DO NOT MODIFY THE MACRO!  That completely defeats the purpose of having a
macro in the first place.
Follow the instructions and look at the several annotated examples provided
by Prof Hayes.
This does not require knowledge of programming.  It merely assumes some
basic level of reading comprehension and a capacity to follow the

Anter wrote
> Yes, I did bother to read the PDF and the others from mediation and some
> articles... However programming isn't something I know. I don't really
> understand where to put the name of my variables, if not in the syntax
> shown below? If I write the names here
> INDIRECT y = dv/x = iv/m = mlist covlist/c = cov/boot = z/conf = ci/normal
> = n/contrast = t/percent = p/bc = b/bca = d */.
> nothing happens, no output appears. This is why I asked if there are
> errors because of the older version of spss or because I am writing it
> wrong.
> Thank you.
> Andra
> --- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso &lt;david.marso@&gt; wrote:
> From: David Marso &lt;david.marso@&gt;
> Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
> Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 3:21 PM
> 2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?
> From the instructions you did not read:
> "Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program
> file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code at
> all. "
> ---
> --
> Anter wrote
>> Hello!
>> Â
>> I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable.Â
>> Â
>> 1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was
>> significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do
>> this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV
>> positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the
>> other
>> IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly
>> predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for
>> would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1
>> andÂ
>> the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?
>> 2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called
>> Process
>> (Â but it
>> gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know
>> if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version
>> of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I
>> insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use
>> spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds
>> something like :
>> Â
>> Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>>>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE commandÂ
>>>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>>>This command not executed.
>> Â
>> Does anyone know what it means?
>> Â
>> This is the syntax:
>> Â
>> define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y
>> = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
>> Â   /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v =
>> !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf =
>> !charend('/') !default(95)
>> Â   /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/')
>> !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default(999)/
>> Â   vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/')
>> !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default (999)
>>   /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
>> Â   /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/')
>> !default(1)
>> Â   /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/')
>> !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn =
>> !charend('/') !default(0)/
>> Â Â Â   coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/')
>> !default(random)).
>> Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
>> Thanks much,
>> Â
>> Andra
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> LISTSERV@.UGA (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
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View this message in context:
Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at

To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to

LISTSERV@... (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

Dale Glaser
Anter, I did download the PROCESS macro last week, and it runs as has been recommended, you will have PROCESS saved as a syntax file and run the entire (unedited file), with your datafile also open,  and then in a separate file (this example is for multiple mediators in parallel (as opposed to serial) mode) run the following (with your variable names, of course) linear model:

process vars=Soc_Infl Self_Conf Self_Eff Hlth_Mnt /y = Soc_Infl/x = Self_Conf/m= Self_Eff Hlth_Mnt
/total=1/model=4/boot=5000/effsize = 1/.

..and it should run fine....


Dale Glaser, Ph.D.
Principal--Glaser Consulting
Lecturer/Adjunct Faculty--SDSU/USD/Alliant
3115 4th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92103
phone: 619-220-0602
fax: 619-220-0412
email: [hidden email]

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, Jon K Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Jon K Peck <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 11:59 AM

I'm not familiar with these macros, but when you run them, watch the status bar to see what is running.  You should see the expanded macro commands flash by.  If not, then you haven't actually gotten the macro to run.

It is very unlikely that the SPSS version would matter.

If you can run an actual example from the doc using its example data, that should tell you whether you have it basically set up correctly.

Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621

From:        Andra Th <[hidden email]>
To:        [hidden email]
Date:        07/24/2012 12:47 PM
Subject:        Re: [SPSSX-L] multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]>

For what I need to do they both, Indirect and Process, are equally usefull. I run the macro, after introducing the data according to the instructions, and nothing happens ... the output doesn't appear ... I think it is from spss, otherwise I can't explain it. I've run the Indirect macro from and it worked and know it just gives me <Unexpected error; quiting>. Don't think reinstalling spss would solve it.

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: David Marso <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:10 PM

There are something like 14 macros on that site and I was assuming you are
running the first one (PROCESS) but then you switch to the second one
DO NOT MODIFY THE MACRO!  That completely defeats the purpose of having a
macro in the first place.
Follow the instructions and look at the several annotated examples provided
by Prof Hayes.
This does not require knowledge of programming.  It merely assumes some
basic level of reading comprehension and a capacity to follow the

Anter wrote
> Yes, I did bother to read the PDF and the others from mediation and some
> articles... However programming isn't something I know. I don't really
> understand where to put the name of my variables, if not in the syntax
> shown below? If I write the names here
> INDIRECT y = dv/x = iv/m = mlist covlist/c = cov/boot = z/conf = ci/normal
> = n/contrast = t/percent = p/bc = b/bca = d */.
> nothing happens, no output appears. This is why I asked if there are
> errors because of the older version of spss or because I am writing it
> wrong.
> Thank you.
> Andra
> --- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso &lt;david.marso@&gt; wrote:
> From: David Marso &lt;david.marso@&gt;
> Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
> Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 3:21 PM
> 2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?
> From the instructions you did not read:
> "Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program
> file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code at
> all. "
> ---
> --
> Anter wrote
>> Hello!
>> Â
>> I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable.Â
>> Â
>> 1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was
>> significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do
>> this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV
>> positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the
>> other
>> IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly
>> predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for
>> would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1
>> andÂ
>> the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?
>> 2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called
>> Process
>> (Â but it
>> gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know
>> if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version
>> of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I
>> insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use
>> spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds
>> something like :
>> Â
>> Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>>>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE commandÂ
>>>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>>>This command not executed.
>> Â
>> Does anyone know what it means?
>> Â
>> This is the syntax:
>> Â
>> define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y
>> = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
>> Â   /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v =
>> !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf =
>> !charend('/') !default(95)
>> Â   /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/')
>> !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default(999)/
>> Â   vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/')
>> !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default (999)
>>   /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
>> Â   /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/')
>> !default(1)
>> Â   /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/')
>> !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn =
>> !charend('/') !default(0)/
>> Â Â Â   coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/')
>> !default(random)).
>> Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
>> Thanks much,
>> Â
>> Andra
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> LISTSERV@.UGA (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
> command. To leave the list, send the command
> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

View this message in context:
Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at

To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to

LISTSERV@... (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

David Marso
In reply to this post by Jon K Peck
"watch the status bar to see what is running. "
It will possibly only indicate Running MATRIX... Waiting for END MATRIX since this is one HUGE matrix macro.
"It is very unlikely that the SPSS version would matter."
At what release did SPSS support macro arguments with > 7 length?  Previous releases will truncate with who knows what side effects.
IIRC : OP is on 16.

Jon K Peck wrote
I'm not familiar with these macros, but when you run them, watch the
status bar to see what is running.  You should see the expanded macro
commands flash by.  If not, then you haven't actually gotten the macro to

It is very unlikely that the SPSS version would matter.

If you can run an actual example from the doc using its example data, that
should tell you whether you have it basically set up correctly.

Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621

From:   Andra Th <[hidden email]>
To:     [hidden email]
Date:   07/24/2012 12:47 PM
Subject:        Re: [SPSSX-L] multiple mediation - regression & macro
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]>

For what I need to do they both, Indirect and Process, are equally
usefull. I run the macro, after introducing the data according to the
instructions, and nothing happens ... the output doesn't appear ... I
think it is from spss, otherwise I can't explain it. I've run the Indirect
macro from and
it worked and know it just gives me <Unexpected error; quiting>. Don't
think reinstalling spss would solve it.

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: David Marso <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:10 PM

There are something like 14 macros on that site and I was assuming you are
running the first one (PROCESS) but then you switch to the second one
DO NOT MODIFY THE MACRO!  That completely defeats the purpose of having a
macro in the first place.
Follow the instructions and look at the several annotated examples
by Prof Hayes.
This does not require knowledge of programming.  It merely assumes some
basic level of reading comprehension and a capacity to follow the

Anter wrote
> Yes, I did bother to read the PDF and the others from mediation and
> articles... However programming isn't something I know. I don't really
> understand where to put the name of my variables, if not in the syntax
> shown below? If I write the names here
> INDIRECT y = dv/x = iv/m = mlist covlist/c = cov/boot = z/conf =
> = n/contrast = t/percent = p/bc = b/bca = d */.
> nothing happens, no output appears. This is why I asked if there are
> errors because of the older version of spss or because I am writing it
> wrong.
> Thank you.
> Andra
> --- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <david.marso@> wrote:
> From: David Marso <david.marso@>
> Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
> Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 3:21 PM
> 2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?
> From the instructions you did not read:
> "Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program
> file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code
> all. "
> ---
> --
> Anter wrote
>> Hello!
>> Â
>> I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome
>> Â
>> 1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was
>> significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I
>> this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV
>> positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the
>> other
>> IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly
>> predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling
>> would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1
>> andÂ
>> the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?
>> 2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes
>> Process
>> ( but
>> gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't
>> if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older
>> of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I
>> insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I
>> spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds
>> something like :
>> Â
>> Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>>>There is no left parenthesis after one of theÂ
DEFINEÂ commandÂ
>>>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>>>This command not executed.
>> Â
>> Does anyone know what it means?
>> Â
>> This is the syntax:
>> Â
>> define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/')
>> = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
>> Â   /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/')
!default(xxx)/v =
>> !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf =
>> !charend('/') !default(95)
>> Â   /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/')
>> !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default(999)/
>> Â   vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/')
>> !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default (999)
>>   /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize =
>> !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
>> Â   /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/')
>> !default(1)
>> Â   /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge =
>> !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn =
>> !charend('/') !default(0)/
>> Â Â Â   coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/')
>> !default(random)).
>> Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
>> Thanks much,
>> Â
>> Andra
> --
> View this message in context:

> Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at
> =====================
> To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
> LISTSERV@.UGA (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
> command. To leave the list, send the command
> For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command

View this message in context:

Sent from the SPSSX Discussion mailing list archive at

To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to
[hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the
command. To leave the list, send the command
For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me.
"Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis."
Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?"
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Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?

In reply to this post by Dale Glaser

Thank you, indeed now I managed to run the syntax and have the results.
The Indirect script that I have from seems to work in spss 17, but I didn't manage to get it working in spss 16. But, now it's fine, I can use the macros.
Don't know if this is the place to ask, but what do you think about the causal steps that must be met for mediation according to Baron & Kenny? Some authors, e.g. consider that not all steps need to be significant so we can speak of some form of mediation.
Which would be more "secure" in a report, analysing mediation results even if some steps (c not significant) aren't met or only if all the steps are significant? Also, can I test the mediation only for the predictor I'm interested in and report those results or is it necessary to control for all the other predictors in the model as well?
--- On Tue, 7/24/12, Dale Glaser <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Dale Glaser <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 11:30 PM

Anter, I did download the PROCESS macro last week, and it runs as has been recommended, you will have PROCESS saved as a syntax file and run the entire (unedited file), with your datafile also open,  and then in a separate file (this example is for multiple mediators in parallel (as opposed to serial) mode) run the following (with your variable names, of course) linear model:

process vars=Soc_Infl Self_Conf Self_Eff Hlth_Mnt /y = Soc_Infl/x = Self_Conf/m= Self_Eff Hlth_Mnt
/total=1/model=4/boot=5000/effsize = 1/.

..and it should run fine....


Dale Glaser, Ph.D.
Principal--Glaser Consulting
Lecturer/Adjunct Faculty--SDSU/USD/Alliant
3115 4th Avenue
San Diego, CA 92103
phone: 619-220-0602
fax: 619-220-0412
email: [hidden email]

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, Jon K Peck <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Jon K Peck <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 11:59 AM

I'm not familiar with these macros, but when you run them, watch the status bar to see what is running.  You should see the expanded macro commands flash by.  If not, then you haven't actually gotten the macro to run.

It is very unlikely that the SPSS version would matter.

If you can run an actual example from the doc using its example data, that should tell you whether you have it basically set up correctly.

Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621

From:        Andra Th <[hidden email]>
To:        [hidden email]
Date:        07/24/2012 12:47 PM
Subject:        Re: [SPSSX-L] multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]>

For what I need to do they both, Indirect and Process, are equally usefull. I run the macro, after introducing the data according to the instructions, and nothing happens ... the output doesn't appear ... I think it is from spss, otherwise I can't explain it. I've run the Indirect macro from and it worked and know it just gives me <Unexpected error; quiting>. Don't think reinstalling spss would solve it.

--- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: David Marso <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
To: [hidden email]
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:10 PM

There are something like 14 macros on that site and I was assuming you are
running the first one (PROCESS) but then you switch to the second one
DO NOT MODIFY THE MACRO!  That completely defeats the purpose of having a
macro in the first place.
Follow the instructions and look at the several annotated examples provided
by Prof Hayes.
This does not require knowledge of programming.  It merely assumes some
basic level of reading comprehension and a capacity to follow the

Anter wrote

> Yes, I did bother to read the PDF and the others from mediation and some
> articles... However programming isn't something I know. I don't really
> understand where to put the name of my variables, if not in the syntax
> shown below? If I write the names here
> INDIRECT y = dv/x = iv/m = mlist covlist/c = cov/boot = z/conf = ci/normal
> = n/contrast = t/percent = p/bc = b/bca = d */.
> nothing happens, no output appears. This is why I asked if there are
> errors because of the older version of spss or because I am writing it
> wrong.
> Thank you.
> Andra
> --- On Tue, 7/24/12, David Marso &lt;david.marso@&gt; wrote:
> From: David Marso &lt;david.marso@&gt;
> Subject: Re: multiple mediation - regression & macro SPSS?
> Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 3:21 PM
> 2. Did you bother to read the instructions in the PDF file?
> From the instructions you did not read:
> "Make sure you run the code exactly as downloaded in a syntax or program
> file.  Modifying the code will produce errors.  Do not modify the code at
> all. "
> ---
> --
> Anter wrote
>> Hello!
>> Â
>> I have a design with 2 mediators and 3 predictors, 1 outcome variable.Â
>> Â
>> 1.The simple mediation analysis, each mediator with each predictor was
>> significant. Now I want to test for the multiple mediation. How can I do
>> this in SPSS? I understand that first I must verify that each IV
>> positively predicts each mediator, controlling for the effect of the
>> other
>> IV's and the other mediator. If one of my IV's doesn't significantly
>> predict a mediator do I use it in further analysis? Also controlling for
>> would mean hierarchical regression, with IV's and mediator1 in step 1
>> andÂ
>> the IV predicting mediator2 in step 2?
>> 2. There is a macro on multiple mediation written by Andrew Hayes called
>> Process
>> (Â but it
>> gives me errors in SPSS 16. I'm not familiar with macros so I don't know
>> if there's something I'm doing wrong or it's because of the older version
>> of SPSS. My question is do I change any part of the code, where do I
>> insert the name of my variables, after  !charend before it etc, do I use
>> spaces, are there any more slashes or paranthesis. An error sounds
>> something like :
>> Â
>> Error # 6820 in column 27.  Text: AVER_TI_Z
>>>There is no left parenthesis after one of the DEFINE commandÂ

>>>specifications, e.g.  after !TOKENS.
>>>This command not executed.
>> Â
>> Does anyone know what it means?
>> Â
>> This is the syntax:
>> Â
>> define process (vars = !charend('/')/model = !charend('/') !default(75)/y
>> = !charend('/')/m = !charend('/')/x = !charend ('/')
>> Â   /w = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/z = !charend('/') !default(xxx)/v =
>> !charend('/') !default(xxx)/q = !charend ('/') !default(xxx)/conf =
>> !charend('/') !default(95)
>> Â   /hc3 = !charend('/') !default(0)/cluster = !charend('/')
>> !default(xxx)/wmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/zmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default(999)/
>> Â   vmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/qmodval = !charend('/')
>> !default(999)/mmodval = !charend('/') !default (999)/xmodval =
>> !charend('/') !default (999)
>>   /boot = !charend('/') !default(1000)/center = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/quantile = !charend('/') !default(0)/effsize = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/normal = !charend('/') !default(0)
>> Â   /varorder = !charend('/') !default(2)/total = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/plot = !charend('/') !default(0)/detail = !charend('/')
>> !default(1)
>> Â   /iterate = !charend('/') !default(10000)/converge = !charend('/')
>> !default(0.00000001)/percent = !charend('/') !default(0)/jn =
>> !charend('/') !default(0)/
>> Â Â Â   coeffci = !charend('/') !default(0)/covmy = !charend('/')
>> !default(0)/contrast = !charend('/') !default(0)/seed = !charend('/')
>> !default(random)).
>> Any thoughts greatly welcomed.
>> Thanks much,
>> Â
>> Andra
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