profile graphs

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profile graphs

Art Kendall
I almost have this do what I want.

I am trying to create profile graphs using the syntax below.  I have 8 profiles from cluster analysis. 

How can I make the inner chart area 3.5" by 7"?

How can I get a little "head" and "foot" space so 0 and 1 tick labels are not cut off.

How can I remove the tick labels except on the left and right vertical axes?

What is the GPL term for line weight?

Is there a way to preserve edits made to graphs in GPL instead of HTML?

Is there a way to set the max and min for all vertical axes without having extra lines in the data? (e.g. Profiles 11 & 12 in the input data.)

Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants

data list list/ profile (f2) dim1 to dim14 (14f5.2).
begin data.
1    .00    .00    .00    .02    .04    .23    .72    .52    .01    .00    .00    .25    .26    .19
2    .04    .03    .00    .03    .02    .14    .46    .35    .04    .00    1.00    .17    .26    .13
3    .01    .00    .00    .02    .02    .12    .00    .33    .03    .01    .12    .10    1.00    .55
4    .00    .01    .04    .03    .02    .40    .89    .00    .62    .52    .57    .25    .12    .12
5    .00    .00    .03    .07    .03    .43    1.00    1.00    .46    .40    .66    .11    .05    .04
6    .07    .00    .02    .09    .04    .43    .89    1.00    .52    .48    1.00    .98    .00    .04
7    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .01    .00    .00    .00    .00
8    .46    .38    .36    .53    .27    .64    .81    .76    .62    .59    .71    .59    .58    .59
10    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00    .00
11    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00    1.00
end data.
value labels profile 10 'lower limit' 11 'upper limit'.

  SOURCE: s=userSource(id("graphdataset"))
  DATA: dim1=col(source(s), name("dim1"))
  DATA: dim2=col(source(s), name("dim2"))
  DATA: dim3=col(source(s), name("dim3"))
  DATA: dim4=col(source(s), name("dim4"))
  DATA: dim5=col(source(s), name("dim5"))
  DATA: dim6=col(source(s), name("dim6"))
  DATA: dim7=col(source(s), name("dim7"))
  DATA: dim8=col(source(s), name("dim8"))
  DATA: dim9=col(source(s), name("dim9"))
  DATA: dim10=col(source(s), name("dim10"))
  DATA: dim11=col(source(s), name("dim11"))
  DATA: dim12=col(source(s), name("dim12"))
  DATA: dim13=col(source(s), name("dim13"))
  DATA: dim14=col(source(s), name("dim14"))
  DATA: profile=col(source(s), name("profile"), unit.category())
  TRANS: caseid = index()
  COORD: parallel()
  GUIDE: legend(aesthetic(aesthetic.color), label("profile"))
  ELEMENT: line(position(dim1*dim2*dim3*dim4*dim5*dim6*dim7*dim7*dim9*dim10*dim11*dim12*dim13*dim14),
  split(caseid), color(profile),

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Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants