query about multiple regression

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query about multiple regression


Hi ,

I am facing a problem with multiple regression analysis with SPSS17.

I am explaining the method what i have done.

step 1--> 8 factors have been chosen for analysis a) perceived usefulness,b)perceived ease of use, c) perceived system quality, d) perceived enjoyment, e) Intention to use, f) Perceived price level, g) Social status symbol,h)Jobsearch.

step 2--> Intention to use factor has two items, item 1 and item 2

step3.--> I can do multiple regression in spss, separately for item1 and item 2 with rest seven factors.

But if i want to do regression with Intention to use factor and other factors , what is the process.

(Kindly note these factors are obtained from varimax rotation of factor analysis, and if i do regression with those factors, result showing 00000.)

Please help.