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r value differences

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r value differences

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In a small sample (N=13!) what is the best method to test the difference
between correlations (r values) of related measures? So, parents reported
on child behavior at 2 time points; the correlation for one composite over
time = .634 (p=.02) and for the second composite = .338 (p=.258). What’s
the best way to determine whether these correlations (for two composites
from the same rating scale) are significantly different?

It’s my understanding that the Fisher r to z transformation would not be
appropriate because these are not two independent samples. . . but I’m not
sure whether there is a better or more appropriate test.

Thank you!

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Re: r value differences

Bruce Weaver
3512 posts
You could use James Steiger's Multicorr program, available here:


Lori wrote
In a small sample (N=13!) what is the best method to test the difference
between correlations (r values) of related measures? So, parents reported
on child behavior at 2 time points; the correlation for one composite over
time = .634 (p=.02) and for the second composite = .338 (p=.258). What’s
the best way to determine whether these correlations (for two composites
from the same rating scale) are significantly different?

It’s my understanding that the Fisher r to z transformation would not be
appropriate because these are not two independent samples. . . but I’m not
sure whether there is a better or more appropriate test.

Thank you!

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Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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