rwg(1) and rwg(j)?

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rwg(1) and rwg(j)?



I have a scale with more items (28) rated by more people and I want to compute the rwg(1) and rwg(j) for it. I want to do the calculations myself. From what I understand so far, the formula for rwg(1) includes the observed variance among raters for an item divided by the expected distribution in the case of no agreement. This will be substracted from 1 to result the rwg(1) for an item. And this continues for every item in the scale to compute their rwg (1). An average rwg(1) would be obtained by averaging individual item rwg(1).

The formula for rwg(j) containes the mean of the observed variances on J items. Would this mean that in order to obtain the rwg(j) I would use the average rwg(1) obtained in previous calculations or if not what variances will I use in this calculation? I now there is a syntax but I prefer this time the "pen and paper" option. Can anyone help me with some advice?

Thank you!

Andra Toader
E-mail: [hidden email]

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Re: rwg(1) and rwg(j)?


Oh, I see, then perhaps I missunderstood the J in the formula. I've already computed those calculations, but I thought it referred to something else .. now it's clear.

Thank you!

Andra Toader
E-mail: [hidden email]