Dear Everyone, We used case-control design for our study, where each case is matched to two controls. The variable under consideration is binary, presence or absence of a disease. May I know what statistical test is available in SPSS that is appropriate for our data. For example, for a five matched subjects, our dataset looks like below: Match# Case Control1 Control2 1 yes No No 2 No yes No 3 No No
Yes 4 yes yes yes 5 No yes yes Your inputs are highly solicited. Thank you. Eins |
One option is conditional logistic regression. But as there is no conditional logistic procedure, you would have to fit that model using COXREG. Search the archives of this list for an example posted by Marta. And see this note: Another way to take into account the dependencies between matched cases & controls is by using generalized estimating equations (GEE). You can fit that type of model via GENLIN. Here's a modification of syntax I used for 3:1 matching (i.e., 3 controls for each case). I had one dichotomous predictor variable (X). Because it was dichotomous, I could treat it as either continuous (i.e., WITH X) or categorical (BY X). I chose the former because the output is a bit tidier that way. GENLIN Case_Ctl (REFERENCE=FIRST) WITH X /MODEL X INTERCEPT=YES DISTRIBUTION=BINOMIAL LINK=LOGIT /REPEATED SUBJECT=MatchGrp SORT=YES CORRTYPE=UNSTRUCTURED ADJUSTCORR=YES COVB=ROBUST MAXITERATIONS=100 PCONVERGE=1e-006(ABSOLUTE) UPDATECORR=1 /MISSING CLASSMISSING=EXCLUDE /PRINT CPS DESCRIPTIVES MODELINFO FIT SUMMARY SOLUTION (EXPONENTIATED). Variable Case_Ctl = 1 for cases, 0 for Controls Variable MatchGrp: each case and their matched controls have the same value Data layout: One row per person By the way, I had previously analyzed these same data using conditional logistic regression (with Stata). As shown below, the results from the two analyses were very similar. Comparison of Conditional Logistic Regression & GEE (View in fixed font, such as Courier) ---------------------------------------------------------- Outcome | Odds Ratio [95% Conf. Interval] METHOD ---------------------------------------------------------- maj_surg gp | 1.599 1.064 2.403 1 | 1.606 1.072 2.406 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- all_maj gp | 1.626 1.126 2.346 1 | 1.631 1.128 2.358 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- blood gp | 0.755 0.536 1.065 1 | 0.839 0.616 1.142 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- maj_oth gp | 1.579 0.734 3.340 1 | 1.585 0.735 3.419 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Method 1: Conditional logistic regression (Stata) Method 2: GEE (via GENLIN in SPSS) HTH.
Bruce Weaver "When all else fails, RTFM." PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. My Hotmail account is not monitored regularly. To send me an e-mail, please use the address shown above. 2. The SPSSX Discussion forum on Nabble is no longer linked to the SPSSX-L listserv administered by UGA ( |
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