syntax for cummulative count of events in survival analysis

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syntax for cummulative count of events in survival analysis

Margaret MacDougall

  I am using syntax like that shown below to obtain a column of values for the estimated cumulative hazard when performing a Cox regression analysis.

  oneyeartime /STATUS=oneyearstatus(1)
  /CONTRAST (factor1)=Indicator /CONTRAST (factor2)=Indicator
  /CONTRAST (factor3)=Indicator /CONTRAST (factor4)=Indicator
  /METHOD=ENTER factor1 factor2 factor3 factor4 factor5
  /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) ITERATE(20) .
  I would be most grateful to receive recommendations as to how I may edit this syntax accordingly so as to ensure that I can also generate a column of values of the actual cummulative total number of events (1) as a function of time.

  Thank you in advance for your kind assistance.

  Yours faithfully


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