xml files

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xml files

Scott Roesch
Hi All:

I just received a data file that I need to analyze, and the file is a
.xml. I have not been able to find an easy way to open this file and
convert it to a SPSS data file. Could someone provide some guidance here
as I have never accessed a .xml file before? Thanks in advance!


Scott C. Roesch, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-4611

email: [hidden email]
office phone: (619) 594-2652
fax: (619) 594-1332
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Re: xml files

Marta García-Granero
Hi Scott:

I don't have experience on those files, but I sometimes use Excel as
an intermediate step between strange format files and SPSS. I have
taken a look at Excel (2003) and it reads XML files directly (File ->
Open: File type...).

SCR> I just received a data file that I need to analyze, and the file is a
SCR> .xml. I have not been able to find an easy way to open this file and
SCR> convert it to a SPSS data file. Could someone provide some guidance here
SCR> as I have never accessed a .xml file before? Thanks in advance!

