* Using the syntax on this site to generate a “census day” dataset has been extremely useful to generate average daily population, admissions, and exits from programming.
* I wanted to compute the number of people “still in the facility” (variable ACTIVE) on the last day of a reporting period – in this case YEAR and MONTH (e.g., 31-MAR-2014) – only if they are still in the program the following day. However, I would like to exclude them from the count if they are no longer in the facility after this date (e.g., 31-MAR-2014). In this example id 42 admissionid 6 is counted as active on the last year (2014) and month (3), I would like to exclude this person from the count as they are not in the facility on 01-APR-2014. *Any suggestions would be much appreciated, please let me know if you have any questions or require clarification. I have included a sample dataset and my syntax. *Thank you Damir DATA LIST FREE / ID (F4) ADMISSIONID (F4) STARTDATE (DATE11) ENDDATE (DATE11) . BEGIN DATA. 21 1.00 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 41 3.00 01-OCT-2013 30-DEC-2013 42 5.00 01-OCT-2013 12-DEC-2013 43 7.00 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 44 9.00 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 44 10.00 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 21 2.00 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 42 6.00 01-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2014 43 8.00 01-JAN-2014 14-APR-2014 41 4.00 01-FEB-2014 14-APR-2014 END DATA. DATASET NAME PRIMARY WINDOW=FRONT . NUMERIC TODAY (DATE11) /STARTDAY ENDDAY (F2). VARIABLE LABELS TODAY "Date: within program stay" STARTDAY "Flag: Participant started this date" ENDDAY "Flag: Participant ended this date". FORMATS TODAY (DATE11). EXECUTE. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** . LOOP TODAY = STARTDATE to ENDDATE BY TIME.DAYS(1). COMPUTE STARTDAY = (TODAY EQ STARTDATE). COMPUTE ENDDAY = (TODAY EQ ENDDATE). XSAVE OUTFILE='C:\USERS\CENSUSDAYS.SAV' /KEEP= ID ADMISSIONID STARTDATE ENDDATE TODAY STARTDAY ENDDAY . END LOOP. EXECUTE /* this one is needed */. GET FILE='C:\USERS\CENSUSDAYS.SAV'. DATASET NAME CENSUSDAYS WINDOW=FRONT. COMPUTE YEAR=XDATE.YEAR (TODAY). COMPUTE MONTH=XDATE.MONTH (TODAY). VARIABLE LABELS YEAR "Year" MONTH "Month". * COMPUTES QUARTERS -COUNTY FISCAL . RECODE MONTH (10 thru 12=4) (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 6=2) (7 thru 9=3) INTO QUARTER. VARIABLE LABELS QUARTER 'Fiscal Quarters (SPSS)'. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS QUARTER 1"January, February, & March" 2"April, May, & June" 3"July, August, & September" 4"October, November, & December" . EXECUTE. **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** . *CENSUS DAYS . CROSSTABS YEAR BY MONTH . * Identify Duplicate Cases. SORT CASES BY TODAY (A). MATCH FILES /FILE=* /BY TODAY /FIRST=PrimaryFirst /LAST=PrimaryLast. DO IF (PrimaryFirst). COMPUTE MatchSequence=1-PrimaryLast. ELSE. COMPUTE MatchSequence=MatchSequence+1. END IF. LEAVE MatchSequence. FORMAT MatchSequence (f7). COMPUTE InDupGrp=MatchSequence>0. SORT CASES InDupGrp(D). MATCH FILES /FILE=* /DROP=PrimaryFirst InDupGrp MatchSequence. VARIABLE LABELS PrimaryLast 'Indicator of each last matching case as Primary'. VALUE LABELS PrimaryLast 0 'Duplicate Case' 1 'Primary Case'. VARIABLE LEVEL PrimaryLast (ORDINAL). FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=PrimaryLast. RENAME VARIABLES PrimaryLast=UNIQUEDAY . EXECUTE. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************* . DATASET DECLARE DAYSINMONTH . AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='DAYSINMONTH' /BREAK=YEAR MONTH /DAYSINMONTH=SUM(UNIQUEDAY) . EXECUTE. *COUNTS THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS DURING A SPECIFIC DATE (VAR=TODAY) . AGGREGATE /BREAK=TODAY /DAILY = N . EXECUTE. DATASET DECLARE ADPREPORT. AGGREGATE /OUTFILE='ADPREPORT' /BREAK=YEAR MONTH /ADMISSIONS=SUM (STARTDAY) /EXITS=SUM (ENDDAY) /ACTIVE = MIN (DAILY) /CENSUSDAYS=N. EXECUTE . DATASET ACTIVATE ADPREPORT . MATCH FILES /FILE=* /TABLE='DAYSINMONTH' /BY YEAR MONTH . EXECUTE. * / COMPUTES AVERAGE DAILY POPULATION / . COMPUTE ADP=CENSUSDAYS/DAYSINMONTH. VARIABLE LABELS ADP "Monthly Average Daily Population". */ DESIGNATE DESIRED CAPACITY (N) . COMPUTE CAPACITYX=200. COMPUTE CAPACITY = ADP / CAPACITYX * 100 . VARIABLE LABELS CAPACITYX "Target Monthly Capacity (n)" . VARIABLE LABELS CAPACITY "Monthly Capacity (%)". VARIABLE LABELS ADMISSIONS "Monthly Admissions (n)" . VARIABLE LABELS EXITS "Monthly Total Dispositions (n)" . VARIABLE LABELS MSERVED "Monthly Total Served (n)" . VARIABLE LABELS CENSUSDAYS "Monthly Census Days (n)" . VARIABLE LABELS DAYSINMONTH "Monthly Active Days (n)" . EXECUTE. DATASET CLOSE DAYSINMONTH . LIST YEAR MONTH ADMISSIONS EXITS ACTIVE . |
Perhaps study the AGGREGATE command.
MODE=ADDVARIABLES and MAX function will be handy. Other than that you should post focused code rather than your entire program. I spend at most 5 minutes on any particular stranger's question. Reading through all your code would require far more time than I am willing to devote! ---
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me. --- "Nolite dare sanctum canibus neque mittatis margaritas vestras ante porcos ne forte conculcent eas pedibus suis." Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?" |
In reply to this post by DKUKEC
Here's one I've been meaning to respond to ---
At 05:17 PM 6/4/2014, DKUKEC wrote: > * I wanted to compute the number of people > *still in the facility* (variable ACTIVE) on > the last day of a reporting period in this > case YEAR and MONTH (e.g., 31-MAR-2014) only > if they are still in the program the following > day. However, I would like to exclude them > from the count if they are no longer in the > facility after this date (e.g., 31-MAR-2014). So, people are 'in the facility' from their STARTDATE up to, but not including, their ENDDATE. And you want to count those 'in the facility' at the end of a certain reporting period. It's not clear from your note or your code whether you want to count by calendar month or calendar quarter. The following counts by calendar month -- gives total in the facility (by the above definition) on the last day of each calendar month. (As a bonus, it gives those in the facility on *any* day of the calendar month, and total patient-days in the facility that calendar month.) I didn't modify your code. What's below is modified from earlier solutions I've posted. Like yours, it uses LOOP and XSAVE; but it loops by month, rather than by day. Here's your test data: |-----------------------------|---------------------------| |Output Created |30-JUN-2014 16:53:44 | |-----------------------------|---------------------------| [PRIMARY] ID ADMISSIONID STARTDATE ENDDATE 21 1 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 41 3 01-OCT-2013 30-DEC-2013 42 5 01-OCT-2013 12-DEC-2013 43 7 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 44 9 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 44 10 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 21 2 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 42 6 01-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2014 43 8 01-JAN-2014 14-APR-2014 41 4 01-FEB-2014 14-APR-2014 Number of cases read: 10 Number of cases listed: 10 Here's the summary created. Note that there were three patients who were active during April 2014, but none active at the *end* of that month: |-----------------------------|---------------------------| |Output Created |30-JUN-2014 16:53:45 | |-----------------------------|---------------------------| [MonthSmry] Month NPats PatDays ACTIVE OCT 2013 6 145 3 NOV 2013 4 116 4 DEC 2013 5 128 3 JAN 2014 4 120 4 FEB 2014 5 135 5 MAR 2014 5 120 3 APR 2014 3 36 0 Number of cases read: 7 Number of cases listed: 7 ...................................................... And, below is the logic, including a listing of the statistics by month for each individual admission. Does this do it for you? DATASET COPY Working. DATASET ACTIVATE Working WINDOW=FRONT. * New variables for the output file, breaking down statistics by . * month for each admission: . NUMERIC Month (MOYR8). NUMERIC ActDays (F3). NUMERIC ACTIVE (F2). VAR LABEL Month 'Calendar month' ActDays 'Days active, during calendar month' ACTIVE 'Active at end of calendar month?'. VAL LABEL ACTIVE (1) 'Active' (0) 'Inactive'. * Scratch variables: ... . * . First and last active dates, of this admission: ... . NUMERIC #FrstActv #LastActv (DATE11). * . Last day, of the current calendar month: ... . NUMERIC #EndMon (DATE11). * . Next calendar month (and, its first day): ... . NUMERIC #NextMon (MOYR8). COMPUTE #FrstActv=XDATE.DATE(STARTDATE). COMPUTE #LastActv=XDATE.DATE(ENDDATE) - TIME.DAYS(1). COMPUTE Month = DATE.MOYR(XDATE.MONTH(#FrstActv), XDATE.YEAR (#FrstActv)). LOOP. . COMPUTE #NextMon = DATESUM(Month, 1,"Month"). . COMPUTE #EndMon = DATESUM(#NextMon,-1,"Day"). . COMPUTE ActDays = CTIME.DAYS(MIN(#EndMon,#LastActv) -MAX(Month, #FrstActv)). . COMPUTE ACTIVE = RANGE(#EndMon,#FrstActv,#LastActv). . XSAVE OUTFILE = ByMonth. . COMPUTE Month = #NextMon. END LOOP IF Month GT #LastActv. EXECUTE /* necessary, here *. GET FILE = ByMonth. DATASET NAME ByMonthDS. LIST. List |-----------------------------|---------------------------| |Output Created |30-JUN-2014 16:53:45 | |-----------------------------|---------------------------| [ByMonthDS] C:\Documents and Settings\Richard\My Documents \Temporary\SPSS\ 2014-06-04 DKUKEC-Active participants - ByMonth.SAV ID ADMISSIONID STARTDATE ENDDATE Month ActDays ACTIVE 21 1 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 OCT 2013 28 0 41 3 01-OCT-2013 30-DEC-2013 OCT 2013 30 1 41 3 01-OCT-2013 30-DEC-2013 NOV 2013 29 1 41 3 01-OCT-2013 30-DEC-2013 DEC 2013 28 0 42 5 01-OCT-2013 12-DEC-2013 OCT 2013 30 1 42 5 01-OCT-2013 12-DEC-2013 NOV 2013 29 1 42 5 01-OCT-2013 12-DEC-2013 DEC 2013 10 0 43 7 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 OCT 2013 28 0 44 9 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 OCT 2013 28 0 44 10 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 OCT 2013 1 1 44 10 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 NOV 2013 29 1 44 10 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 DEC 2013 30 1 44 10 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 JAN 2014 30 1 44 10 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 FEB 2014 27 1 44 10 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 MAR 2014 1 0 21 2 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 NOV 2013 29 1 21 2 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 DEC 2013 30 1 21 2 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 JAN 2014 30 1 21 2 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 FEB 2014 27 1 21 2 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 MAR 2014 30 1 21 2 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 APR 2014 12 0 42 6 01-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2014 DEC 2013 30 1 42 6 01-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2014 JAN 2014 30 1 42 6 01-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2014 FEB 2014 27 1 42 6 01-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2014 MAR 2014 29 0 43 8 01-JAN-2014 14-APR-2014 JAN 2014 30 1 43 8 01-JAN-2014 14-APR-2014 FEB 2014 27 1 43 8 01-JAN-2014 14-APR-2014 MAR 2014 30 1 43 8 01-JAN-2014 14-APR-2014 APR 2014 12 0 41 4 01-FEB-2014 14-APR-2014 FEB 2014 27 1 41 4 01-FEB-2014 14-APR-2014 MAR 2014 30 1 41 4 01-FEB-2014 14-APR-2014 APR 2014 12 0 Number of cases read: 32 Number of cases listed: 32 DATASET DECLARE MonthSmry. AGGREGATE OUTFILE =MonthSmry /BREAK=Month /NPats 'No. of patients active any day this month' = NU /PatDays 'Total patient-days this month' = SUM(ActDays) /ACTIVE 'Admissions active at end of month' = SUM(ACTIVE). DATASET ACTIVATE MonthSmry. FORMATS PatDays (F5) ACTIVE (F3). LIST. List |-----------------------------|---------------------------| |Output Created |30-JUN-2014 16:53:45 | |-----------------------------|---------------------------| [MonthSmry] Month NPats PatDays ACTIVE OCT 2013 6 145 3 NOV 2013 4 116 4 DEC 2013 5 128 3 JAN 2014 4 120 4 FEB 2014 5 135 5 MAR 2014 5 120 3 APR 2014 3 36 0 Number of cases read: 7 Number of cases listed: 7 ================================ APPENDIX II: Test data and all code ================================ * C:\Documents and Settings\Richard\My Documents . * \Technical\spssx-l\Z-2014\ . * 2014-06-04 DKUKEC-Active participants.SPS . * In response to posting . * Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 14:17:17 -0700 . * From: DKUKEC <[hidden email]> . * Subject: Active participants? . * To: [hidden email] . * " * I wanted to compute the number of people 'still in the . * facility' (variable ACTIVE) on the last day of a reporting period . * in this case YEAR and MONTH (e.g., 31-MAR-2014) only if they . * are still in the program the following day. However, I would like . * to exclude them from the count if they are no longer in the . * facility after this date (e.g., 31-MAR-2014). In this example id . * 42 admissionid 6 is counted as active on the last year (2014) and . * month (3), I would like to exclude this person from the count as . * they are not in the facility on 01-APR-2014." . FILE HANDLE ByMonth /NAME='C:\Documents and Settings\Richard\My Documents' + '\Temporary\SPSS\' + '2014-06-04 DKUKEC-Active participants' + ' - ' + 'ByMonth.SAV'. DATA LIST LIST / ID ADMISSIONID STARTDATE ENDDATE (F4, F4, DATE11, DATE11). BEGIN DATA. 21 1.00 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 41 3.00 01-OCT-2013 30-DEC-2013 42 5.00 01-OCT-2013 12-DEC-2013 43 7.00 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 44 9.00 01-OCT-2013 30-OCT-2013 44 10.00 30-OCT-2013 03-MAR-2014 21 2.00 01-NOV-2013 14-APR-2014 42 6.00 01-DEC-2013 31-MAR-2014 43 8.00 01-JAN-2014 14-APR-2014 41 4.00 01-FEB-2014 14-APR-2014 END DATA. DATASET NAME PRIMARY WINDOW=FRONT . LIST. DATASET COPY Working. DATASET ACTIVATE Working WINDOW=FRONT. * New variables for the output file, breaking down statistics by . * month for each admission: . NUMERIC Month (MOYR8). NUMERIC ActDays (F3). NUMERIC ACTIVE (F2). VAR LABEL Month 'Calendar month' ActDays 'Days active, during calendar month' ACTIVE 'Active at end of calendar month?'. VAL LABEL ACTIVE (1) 'Active' (0) 'Inactive'. * Scratch variables: ... . * . First and last active dates, of this admission: ... . NUMERIC #FrstActv #LastActv (DATE11). * . Last day, of the current calendar month: ... . NUMERIC #EndMon (DATE11). * . Next calendar month (and, its first day): ... . NUMERIC #NextMon (MOYR8). COMPUTE #FrstActv=XDATE.DATE(STARTDATE). COMPUTE #LastActv=XDATE.DATE(ENDDATE) - TIME.DAYS(1). COMPUTE Month = DATE.MOYR(XDATE.MONTH(#FrstActv), XDATE.YEAR (#FrstActv)). LOOP. . COMPUTE #NextMon = DATESUM(Month, 1,"Month"). . COMPUTE #EndMon = DATESUM(#NextMon,-1,"Day"). . COMPUTE ActDays = CTIME.DAYS(MIN(#EndMon,#LastActv) -MAX(Month, #FrstActv)). . COMPUTE ACTIVE = RANGE(#EndMon,#FrstActv,#LastActv). . XSAVE OUTFILE = ByMonth. . COMPUTE Month = #NextMon. END LOOP IF Month GT #LastActv. EXECUTE /* necessary, here *. GET FILE = ByMonth. DATASET NAME ByMonthDS. LIST. DATASET DECLARE MonthSmry. AGGREGATE OUTFILE =MonthSmry /BREAK=Month /NPats 'No. of patients active any day this month' = NU /PatDays 'Total patient-days this month' = SUM(ActDays) /ACTIVE 'Admissions active at end of month' = SUM(ACTIVE). DATASET ACTIVATE MonthSmry. FORMATS PatDays (F5) ACTIVE (F3). LIST. ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
In reply to this post by DKUKEC
At 05:03 PM 6/30/2014, I posted a solution. I've just noticed one
bug; it affects the count of total days, but not whether the patient is active at the end of the month. The statement . COMPUTE ActDays = CTIME.DAYS(MIN(#EndMon,#LastActv) -MAX(Month, #FrstActv)). should be . COMPUTE ActDays = 1 + CTIME.DAYS(MIN(#EndMon,#LastActv) -MAX(Month, #FrstActv)). That is, the length of time is the inclusive interval, whose length is one day more than the difference of the dates. ===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD |
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