Complex Samples Ordinal Regression - Estimated means?

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Complex Samples Ordinal Regression - Estimated means?

Sid Sarinopoulos
Is there a way to get the program to output estimated means?
I've looked at manual but couldn't see how

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Re: Complex Samples Ordinal Regression - Estimated means?

Bruce Weaver
This post was updated on .
NOTE that the same question was cross-posted to comp.soft-sys.stat.spss.  You can view that thread here:!topic/comp.soft-sys.stat.spss/mha6siHSrbU


Hi Sid.  I have never used CSORDINAL, but I see that the OUTFILE with MODEL lets you save an XML file containing the parameter estimates and the parameter covariance matrix (first link below).  After that, using an input file that has the desired combinations of the explanatory variables, you should be able to get the fitted values you want by "applying the model" to the new dataset.  See the second link below.

The third link below is for a YouTube video showing how to do this for ordinary logistic regression.  Again, it might help give you the general idea.

Bruce Weaver

"When all else fails, RTFM."

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Re: Complex Samples Ordinal Regression - Estimated means?

Art Kendall
In reply to this post by Sid Sarinopoulos
What is  the meaning of your DV?  How many values can it have?

Why do you believe that the intervals are severely discrepant from being equal?

Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants