Complex merge files

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Complex merge files

Carlos Renato
Dear friends list

A total of 1000 interviewers typed their data and each generated a file in txt format. All files are separated by tabs with the variable name at the top. The problem is that there was no rule on the naming of files and each gave a different name. For example:


My problem is to import all these files and perform the merge of them automatically via a macro. Any suggestions? I'm working on it this Friday. If the files were standardized name no problem, solve the macro below.

For example if I want to do the merge of 1000 files each with a part of the name in common, located in the c: \ spss:


/ * Perform the merge any number of files as long as they have the same variables.
DEFINE MacroMergeAllFiles (DiretorioComum=!TOKENS(1)/ NomeComum=!TOKENS(1)/ QtdeArquivos=!TOKENS(1))
!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArquivos.
GET FILE= !DiretorioComum+!NomeComum+"1.sav".

/*MacroMergeAllFiles DiretorioComum='C:\spss\' NomeComum='file' QtdeArquivos=1000.

The problem is to perform the same procedure but with different file names.

Thanks for all.

Carlos Renato
Statistician - Brazil
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Re: Complex merge files

Art Kendall
if you are on a windows system do something like this untested procedure  It is what we did before there was PYthon.
put all the .txt in a folder e.g. c:\temptxt
open the command window
md c:\alltxt
cd c:\temptxt
copy *.txt c:\alltxt\combo.txt

read combo.txt into spss with all fields tab separated strings
do if $casenum eq 1.
compute source =1.
else  if  varname1 "whatever".
compute source source+1.
compute source = lag(source).
compute keepit = 1.
end if.
select if keepit eq 1.
* this may be a rare instance where you might need this execute.

* before there was alter type we wrote the data out as text and read it in in a new format.

*see the help for alter type you might be able to use 'all' as the variable list.
alter type id (f8) v1 v5 (f2) v2 to v4 v6 to v99 (f1) v100 (adate10).
* I have not tested what happens if a string variable is altered to a string variable to make your variable list more complete.
*you can use several alter type command one kind of specification shortens strings to the longest string necessary for that variable.

This way you can eliminate many warnings.


Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants

On 11/21/2011 8:38 AM, Carlos Renato wrote:
Dear friends list

A total of 1000 interviewers typed their data and each generated a file in
txt format. All files are separated by tabs with the variable name at the
top. The problem is that there was no rule on the naming of files and each
gave a different name. For example:


My problem is to import all these files and perform the merge of them
automatically via a macro. Any suggestions? I'm working on it this Friday.
If the files were standardized name no problem, solve the macro below.

For example if I want to do the merge of 1000 files each with a part of the
name in common, located in the c: \ spss:


/ * Perform the merge any number of files as long as they have the same
DEFINE MacroMergeAllFiles (DiretorioComum=!TOKENS(1)/ NomeComum=!TOKENS(1)/
!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArquivos.
GET FILE= !DiretorioComum+!NomeComum+"1.sav".

/*MacroMergeAllFiles DiretorioComum='C:\spss\' NomeComum='file'

The problem is to perform the same procedure but with different file names.

Thanks for all.

Carlos Renato
Statistician - Brazil

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Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Re: Complex merge files

Jon K Peck
Since you are doing these one at a time, you will make a lot of data passes, but if the files are not huge this will not matter.
The easiest way to do this task would be to use the SPSSINC PROCESS FILES extension command from the SPSS Community site (  This command processes all the files in a given location, optionally matching a wildcard expression.  It runs a batch of syntax that you specify over each file.  It defines file handles and macros that you can use in the syntax job.  the command appears on the Utilities menu as Process Data Files.


Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621

From:        Art Kendall <[hidden email]>
To:        [hidden email]
Date:        11/21/2011 07:30 AM
Subject:        Re: [SPSSX-L] Complex merge files
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" <[hidden email]>

if you are on a windows system do something like this untested procedure  It is what we did before there was PYthon.
put all the .txt in a folder e.g. c:\temptxt
open the command window
md c:\alltxt
cd c:\temptxt
copy *.txt c:\alltxt\combo.txt

read combo.txt into spss with all fields tab separated strings
do if $casenum eq 1.
compute source =1.
else  if  varname1 "whatever".
compute source source+1.
compute source = lag(source).
compute keepit = 1.
end if.
select if keepit eq 1.
* this may be a rare instance where you might need this execute.

* before there was alter type we wrote the data out as text and read it in in a new format.

*see the help for alter type you might be able to use 'all' as the variable list.
alter type id (f8) v1 v5 (f2) v2 to v4 v6 to v99 (f1) v100 (adate10).
* I have not tested what happens if a string variable is altered to a string variable to make your variable list more complete.
*you can use several alter type command one kind of specification shortens strings to the longest string necessary for that variable.

This way you can eliminate many warnings.


Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants

On 11/21/2011 8:38 AM, Carlos Renato wrote:

Dear friends list

A total of 1000 interviewers typed their data and each generated a file in
txt format. All files are separated by tabs with the variable name at the
top. The problem is that there was no rule on the naming of files and each
gave a different name. For example:


My problem is to import all these files and perform the merge of them
automatically via a macro. Any suggestions? I'm working on it this Friday.
If the files were standardized name no problem, solve the macro below.

For example if I want to do the merge of 1000 files each with a part of the
name in common, located in the c: \ spss:


/ * Perform the merge any number of files as long as they have the same
DEFINE MacroMergeAllFiles (DiretorioComum=!TOKENS(1)/ NomeComum=!TOKENS(1)/
!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArquivos.
GET FILE= !DiretorioComum+!NomeComum+"1.sav".

/*MacroMergeAllFiles DiretorioComum='C:\spss\' NomeComum='file'

The problem is to perform the same procedure but with different file names.

Thanks for all.

Carlos Renato
Statistician - Brazil

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Re: Complex merge files

Spousta Jan
In reply to this post by Carlos Renato
Hi Carlos,

If you wish to use traditional macros, you can go this way:

1. Create the list of all file names. Under Windows, you can e.g. create a text file named "list.bat" containing this line:

   dir *.txt > list_of_files.dat

By runing the bat (doubleclick), you get the list in the file list_of_files.dat. Open it in MS Word and extract the names of files (use a proportional font and select rectangular blocks by keeping Alt key while working with the mouse).

2. Then process the list as an argument of the macro cycle !DO !varname !IN (list)

(Otherwise use Python, see Jon Peck's post.)

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Carlos Renato
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 2:38 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Complex merge files

Dear friends list

A total of 1000 interviewers typed their data and each generated a file in txt format. All files are separated by tabs with the variable name at the top. The problem is that there was no rule on the naming of files and each gave a different name. For example:


My problem is to import all these files and perform the merge of them automatically via a macro. Any suggestions? I'm working on it this Friday.
If the files were standardized name no problem, solve the macro below.

For example if I want to do the merge of 1000 files each with a part of the name in common, located in the c: \ spss:


/ * Perform the merge any number of files as long as they have the same variables.
DEFINE MacroMergeAllFiles (DiretorioComum=!TOKENS(1)/ NomeComum=!TOKENS(1)/
!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArquivos.
GET FILE= !DiretorioComum+!NomeComum+"1.sav".

/*MacroMergeAllFiles DiretorioComum='C:\spss\' NomeComum='file'

The problem is to perform the same procedure but with different file names.

Thanks for all.

Carlos Renato
Statistician - Brazil

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Re: Complex merge files

Carlos Renato

Thank you so much for all the answers. I will address all suggestions. All are great.

Carlos Renato
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Re: Complex merge files

Art Kendall
In reply to this post by Jon K Peck
Does that extension command include a way to include a variable that specifies the source file for a case? Identifying the source helps track down data anomalies. Also, unless the data files are proofread or double-entered and compared at the source, QA needs to be done by the receiver.  The source id needs to be done in a consistent way so that keyings/enterings can be paired.


On 11/21/2011 9:50 AM, Jon K Peck wrote:
Since you are doing these one at a time, you will make a lot of data passes, but if the files are not huge this will not matter.
The easiest way to do this task would be to use the SPSSINC PROCESS FILES extension command from the SPSS Community site (  This command processes all the files in a given location, optionally matching a wildcard expression.  It runs a batch of syntax that you specify over each file.  It defines file handles and macros that you can use in the syntax job.  the command appears on the Utilities menu as Process Data Files.


Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621

From:        Art Kendall [hidden email]
To:        [hidden email]
Date:        11/21/2011 07:30 AM
Subject:        Re: [SPSSX-L] Complex merge files
Sent by:        "SPSSX(r) Discussion" [hidden email]

if you are on a windows system do something like this untested procedure  It is what we did before there was PYthon.
put all the .txt in a folder e.g. c:\temptxt
open the command window
md c:\alltxt
cd c:\temptxt
copy *.txt c:\alltxt\combo.txt

read combo.txt into spss with all fields tab separated strings
do if $casenum eq 1.
compute source =1.
else  if  varname1 "whatever".
compute source source+1.
compute source = lag(source).
compute keepit = 1.
end if.
select if keepit eq 1.
* this may be a rare instance where you might need this execute.

* before there was alter type we wrote the data out as text and read it in in a new format.

*see the help for alter type you might be able to use 'all' as the variable list.
alter type id (f8) v1 v5 (f2) v2 to v4 v6 to v99 (f1) v100 (adate10).
* I have not tested what happens if a string variable is altered to a string variable to make your variable list more complete.
*you can use several alter type command one kind of specification shortens strings to the longest string necessary for that variable.

This way you can eliminate many warnings.


Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants

On 11/21/2011 8:38 AM, Carlos Renato wrote:

Dear friends list

A total of 1000 interviewers typed their data and each generated a file in
txt format. All files are separated by tabs with the variable name at the
top. The problem is that there was no rule on the naming of files and each
gave a different name. For example:


My problem is to import all these files and perform the merge of them
automatically via a macro. Any suggestions? I'm working on it this Friday.
If the files were standardized name no problem, solve the macro below.

For example if I want to do the merge of 1000 files each with a part of the
name in common, located in the c: \ spss:


/ * Perform the merge any number of files as long as they have the same
DEFINE MacroMergeAllFiles (DiretorioComum=!TOKENS(1)/ NomeComum=!TOKENS(1)/
!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArquivos.
GET FILE= !DiretorioComum+!NomeComum+"1.sav".

/*MacroMergeAllFiles DiretorioComum='C:\spss\' NomeComum='file'

The problem is to perform the same procedure but with different file names.

Thanks for all.

Carlos Renato
Statistician - Brazil

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===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD
===================== To manage your subscription to SPSSX-L, send a message to [hidden email] (not to SPSSX-L), with no body text except the command. To leave the list, send the command SIGNOFF SPSSX-L For a list of commands to manage subscriptions, send the command INFO REFCARD
Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Re: Complex merge files

Jon K Peck
The procedure runs one file at a time.  The generated macros and file handles do identify the input file, mainly so that the code can generate an output file based on the input name in typical usage, but the syntax being run is anything you want.

Here is an extract from the help.

The syntax file will be invoked for each input dataset. It should read the file and carry out any desired operations. File handles and macros are defined to refer to the input file and various output locations. The file handles are as follows.
  • JOB_INPUTFILE: The input file.
  • JOB_DATADIR: The input data directory
  • JOB_OUTPUTDATADIR: The specified output data directory or <NONE>
  • JOB_VIEWERDIR: The specified Viewer output directory or <NONE>
• For a SAV file you could read the data with the command

• Macros are defined with these same names except starting with "!". Two additional macros are defined.

  • !JOB_DATAFILEROOT: The name of the input data file without its extension
  • !JOB_DATAFILEEXT: The extension of the input data file

Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM
[hidden email]
new phone: 720-342-5621

From:        Art Kendall <[hidden email]>
To:        Jon K Peck/Chicago/IBM@IBMUS
Cc:        [hidden email]
Date:        11/21/2011 11:40 AM
Subject:        Re: [SPSSX-L] Complex merge files

Does that extension command include a way to include a variable that specifies the source file for a case? Identifying the source helps track down data anomalies. Also, unless the data files are proofread or double-entered and compared at the source, QA needs to be done by the receiver.  The source id needs to be done in a consistent way so that keyings/enterings can be paired.


On 11/21/2011 9:50 AM, Jon K Peck wrote:

Since you are doing these one at a time, you will make a lot of data passes, but if the files are not huge this will not matter.
The easiest way to do this task would be to use the SPSSINC PROCESS FILES extension command from the SPSS Community site (  This command processes all the files in a given location, optionally matching a wildcard expression.  It runs a batch of syntax that you specify over each file.  It defines file handles and macros that you can use in the syntax job.  the command appears on the Utilities menu as Process Data Files.


Jon Peck (no "h") aka Kim
Senior Software Engineer, IBM

new phone: 720-342-5621

Art Kendall <Art@...>
[hidden email]
11/21/2011 07:30 AM
Re: [SPSSX-L] Complex merge files
Sent by:        
"SPSSX(r) Discussion" [hidden email]

if you are on a windows system do something like this untested procedure  It is what we did before there was PYthon.
put all the .txt in a folder e.g. c:\temptxt
open the command window
md c:\alltxt
cd c:\temptxt
copy *.txt c:\alltxt\combo.txt

read combo.txt into spss with all fields tab separated strings
do if $casenum eq 1.
compute source =1.
else  if  varname1 "whatever".
compute source source+1.
compute source = lag(source).
compute keepit = 1.
end if.
select if keepit eq 1.
* this may be a rare instance where you might need this execute.

* before there was alter type we wrote the data out as text and read it in in a new format.

*see the help for alter type you might be able to use 'all' as the variable list.
alter type id (f8) v1 v5 (f2) v2 to v4 v6 to v99 (f1) v100 (adate10).
* I have not tested what happens if a string variable is altered to a string variable to make your variable list more complete.
*you can use several alter type command one kind of specification shortens strings to the longest string necessary for that variable.

This way you can eliminate many warnings.


Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants

On 11/21/2011 8:38 AM, Carlos Renato wrote:

Dear friends list

A total of 1000 interviewers typed their data and each generated a file in
txt format. All files are separated by tabs with the variable name at the
top. The problem is that there was no rule on the naming of files and each
gave a different name. For example:


My problem is to import all these files and perform the merge of them
automatically via a macro. Any suggestions? I'm working on it this Friday.
If the files were standardized name no problem, solve the macro below.

For example if I want to do the merge of 1000 files each with a part of the
name in common, located in the c: \ spss:


/ * Perform the merge any number of files as long as they have the same
DEFINE MacroMergeAllFiles (DiretorioComum=!TOKENS(1)/ NomeComum=!TOKENS(1)/
!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArquivos.
GET FILE= !DiretorioComum+!NomeComum+"1.sav".

/*MacroMergeAllFiles DiretorioComum='C:\spss\' NomeComum='file'

The problem is to perform the same procedure but with different file names.

Thanks for all.

Carlos Renato
Statistician - Brazil

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Re: Complex merge files

Carlos Renato
In reply to this post by Carlos Renato
Dear friends

In Windows:

- Select all files in the dir using CTRL+A
- Next press F2 and rename one file, for example, rename for DATA.
- the effect is propagated to the other system files and rename all adding an index in brackets.

DATA (100).DAT

Using the macro below, we can merge all files in this format.


!LET !Dir = !1.
!LET !NomeComum = !2.
!LET !QtdeArq = !3.

!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArq.

  ID F3.0
  V1 A19
  V2 A19
  V3 A18
  V4 A19
  V5 A18.




!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArq.
 /FILE=  !QUOTE(!CONCAT(!UNQUOTE(!Dir),"\",!UNQUOTE(!NomeComum),!File,"_TEMP.SAV")).



!DO !FILE= 1 !TO !QtdeArq.


MergeAllTXT 'D:\Minicurso Teresina\Parte II - SPSS Macros\Exemplo Motivacional I\Data' 'data ' 20.

Carlos Renato
Statistician - Brazil