I'm going to pull a David M and say:
Don't screw up your Excel?
Then I'm going to pull a Justin (me) and say:
Excel is great for exporting out in csv or some other delimited format, I always default to Python as a knee-jerk solution because I work a lot with it and feel comfortable work in it - I know there exists Syntax solutions for parsing - but Python could delete unwanted data and save the resulting data to a flat file for easy importing into SPSS. The script would take ~20 min to write (and that includes watching TV in the background), and would take about 2 sec to run (depending on the size of your datafile). It's another step, but if the Excel file is being pulled from a database with garbage in it that you dont want (or someone is preparing it for you and cannot deliver it in the format you want) this would be a easy solution and save you time.
J. R. Carroll
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Rajeshms
<[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,
I am facing problem while importing excel sheet data. Lets say for example, In excel we have labels and other unwanted names and texts , so while importing we have to clean the excel sheet and make ready to get it imported into spss.Is there any option so that I can over come this time consuming procedure.
thanking you for comments,