I believe this is the SPSSX-L post Jon is referring to.
--- start of post ---
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2021 14:11:35 -0600
From: Jon Peck
Subject: Re: MATRIX producing a signed zero at saving?
The IEEE floating point standard accommodates a negative zero, but SPSS
Statistics would be following the implementation of the C/C++/Fortran
runtime library.
A negative floating point zero is represented by a zero mantissa and zero
exponent but a 1 sign bit. Negative and positive zeros compare equal
according to the standard and in SPSS. If you convert xy to a hex string,
both have the same representation. I have no idea why FREQUENCIES treats
the values as different, since other parts of Statistics don't, but I don't
see this as having any practical consequences.
--- end of post ---
jkpeck wrote
I commented on this on the SPSS-X list, but, sadly, it does not appear on the Nabble version.
Bruce Weaver
http://sites.google.com/a/lakeheadu.ca/bweaver/"When all else fails, RTFM."
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