Multilevel Logistic Variance Decomposition (ICC)

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Multilevel Logistic Variance Decomposition (ICC)

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Dear All,

My null model of the probability of being satisfied (y=1) in the j regions have the following form:

log (p/(1-p)= Gamma (00) + u (0j)

I estimate the null model, so I get the estimation of the gamma (00) and the variance of the u(0j).

I have read in Goldstein 2010 a method for estimating the ICC through simulation in a multilevel logistic regression.

1) I simulate a large number m of random draws from the normal distribution (0, var(u(0j))
2) For each of this random numbers, I calculate a p*(ij), using p*= exp (gamma(00) + u*(0j)) / (1 + exp (gamma(00) + u*(0j))).
3) Then I calculate the bernouilli variance p*(1-p*) for each row.
4) The expectation of all this bernouilli variance should be the variance component for the level 1, as goldstein says v(1)=E(v(1)ij))

5) Now he says that the estimatior for the level 2 variance v(2) is equal to v(2)=var(p*(ij)) Which I don't know how to calculate it, as it is a variance of many (i x j) probabilities.

This is my question: how do I calculate the v(2)?  

I paste my synthax in SPSS there, the results I get from my model is gamma(00)=-0.205464 and my var(u(0j)= 0.14829

So my synthax for the simulation is:

new file .
inp pro .
loop ID= 1 to 5000 .
comp simul = rv.normal (0, 0.14829) .
end case .
end loop .
end file .
end inp pro .
exe .

COMPUTE pstar = (EXP(simul-0.205464)/(1+ EXP(simul-0.205464))) .
compute varl1 = pstar*(1-pstar) .
exe .


Thanks in advance for all

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Errata in line 4

Dear all,

When in line 4 I said v(1)=exp(v(1)ij))  I was meaining v(1)=Expectation(v(1)ij)=E(v(1)ij)

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Re: Multilevel Logistic Variance Decomposition (ICC)

In reply to this post by jmdpulido
I'm not familiar with the Goldstein 2011 reference, but perhaps I can
still help you. First off, I'd probably write the simulation code as:


*Random Effects Logistic Regression Simulation.
set seed 65923454.

new file.
inp pro.

comp ID_level1 = -99.
comp b0 = -99.
comp rand_eff = -99.
comp ID_level2 = -99.

leave ID_level1 to ID_level2.

loop ID_level2= 1 to 200.
  comp b0 = -0.40.
  comp rand_eff = sqrt(0.50)*rv.normal(0,1).

  loop ID_level1 = 1 to 50.
  comp eta = b0 + rand_eff.
  comp p = exp(eta) / (1+exp(eta)).
  comp y = rv.bernoulli(p).

  end case.
 end loop.
end loop.
end file.
end inp pro.

delete variables b0 rand_eff eta p.


As you can see in the simulation code above, the variance component
[on the logit scale] has been specified to be 0.50.

You could estimate the variance component by fitting the model via the
GENLINMIXED procedure on the simulated data as follows:

*Fit Random Effects Logistic Regression Model.

Regarding the ICC, I do recall Snijders and Bosker (1999) providing
the following ICC formula for logit models:

ICC = V / ( V + 3.29 )

Employing this formula using the variance component estimate derived
from GENLINMIXED, we obtain an ICC of:

ICC = 0.49 / (0.49 + 3.29) = 0.130



On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 6:53 AM, jmdpulido <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear All,
> My null model of the probability of being satisfied (y=1) in the j regions
> have the following form:
> log (p/(1-p)= Gamma (00) + u (0j)
> I estimate the null model, so I get the estimation of the gamma (00) and the
> variance of the u(0j).
> I have read in Goldstein 2010 a method for estimating the ICC through
> simulation in a multilevel logistic regression.
> 1) I simulate a large number m of random draws from the normal distribution
> (0, var(u(0j))
> 2) For each of this random numbers, I calculate a p*(ij), using p*= exp
> (gamma(00) + u*(0j)) / (1 + exp (gamma(00) + u*(0j))).
> 3) Then I calculate the bernouilli variance p*(1-p*) for each row.
> 4) The expectation of all this bernouilli variance should be the variance
> component for the level 1, as goldstein says v(1)=exp(v(1)ij))
> 5) Now he says that the estimatior for the level 2 variance v(2) is equal to
> v(2)=var(p*(ij)) Which I don't know how to calculate it, as it is a variance
> of many (i x j) probabilities.
> This is my question: how do I calculate the v(2)?
> I paste my synthax in SPSS there, the results I get from my model is
> gamma(00)=-0.205464 and my var(u(0j)= 0.14829
> So my synthax for the simulation is:
> new file .
> inp pro .
> loop ID= 1 to 5000 .
> comp simul = rv.normal (0, 0.14829) .
> compute p_star =
> end case .
> end loop .
> end file .
> end inp pro .
> exe .
> COMPUTE pstar = (EXP(simul-0.205464)/(1+ EXP(simul-0.205464))) .
> compute varl1 = pstar*(1-pstar) .
> exe .
> Thanks in advance for all
> --
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Re: Multilevel Logistic Variance Decomposition (ICC)

Dear Ryan,

Thanks for your answer. I always learn from your synthaxis.

I've been reading much more about variance decomposition in multilevel logistic. I will post the main conclussions, just in case they are useful for anyone. There are several methods.

1) The latent variable approach (Snijders & Bosker, 1999): you have to assume that your observed outcome Y= 0 or Y = 1 is really a dichotomization of a continuous latent variable. Then you assume that this latent variable distributes as an Standard Logistic. The variance of an standard logistic is pi square divided by three. This is a reasonable approach in the absence of overdispersion for level-1 variance. Level 2 variance is estimated by the model by maximum likelihood. This is the most popular method, as it is very easy to compute. CIC = var(u(0j)) / (var(u(0j)) + (pi^2)/3).  Where var(u(0j)) is the variance of the random level 2 intercepts.

Nevertheless, this method assumes that level-1 variance is invariant in absence of overdispersion, which is not always very reasonable (see Larsen 2006: New measures for understanding the multilevel regression model). Moreover, the level 2 variance (var(u(0j)) is measured in the square latent variable approach, thus it is not easy to interpret it in terms of p (in fact, for p's near 0,5 the function is very step and small changes in p lead to great increases in the variance, leading sometimes to wrong interpretantions).

2) The linear probability function approach (Goldstein, 2004, and Goldstein, 2010): it consist in estimating a multilevel linear probability model with random effects. This way the ML model estimates both a level 1 variance and a level 2 variance, measured in (square) probabilities. This method is also straight forward, nevetheless, it has the drawback of assumming a linear probability model. When running a null model (fully unconditional) that only depends on which level 2 unit each individual belongs it usually estimates plausible results. Of course, when more level 1 or level 2 predictors are added to the model, some problems arise, specially regarding the domain of the right-hand-side of the estimated equation.

3) The Taylor linearization approach (Goldstein, 2010): It consist on a first order Taylor expansion of the model. This linearization allows the researcher to compute an estimate of the level 1 and the level 2 variance both measured in (square) probability scale, based on the estimates of the common fixed intercept (gamma00) for all regions and the variance of the random level 2 disturbances (var(u(0j)). This approach estimates very similar results of those obtained using technique 2.

4) Simulation approach (Goldstein, 2010): It consist on simulate a large number of values for u(0j) drawn from the normal distribution with expected value=0 and variance=var(u(0j)). If the distribution of your u(0j) is indead normal, it allow you to have a bigger sample size for variance decomposition. Once you have this simulated u(0j)*, the variance of each simulated u(0j)* is just the bernouilli variance var(sim(j))=p*(1-p*). In order to compute p*, you just simply use the usual formula to get probabilities from log odds p*=(exp(u*(0j))/(1+exp(u*(0j)))
The expected value of all this bernouilli variances is the level-1 variance, as in usual ANOVA decomposition. So, level-1 variance will be the simple average of all these var(sim(j)). This result is usually very similar than the one obtained by methods 2) and 3).
Level 2 variance will be (like in regular ANOVA decomposition) var level-2=var(p*). Here it is usual to obtain a much smaller variance than in the other methods, as you are "forcing" the p* to distribute normally with a small variance. Nevertheless, for big samples where u(0j) is indeed normal, the results are similar. Problems arise when the number of level-2 units is small and they distribute not normally.

5) Alternatively to variance decomposition, there are other measures to judge the strength of the level-2 variability. I reccomend to take a look on the Interval Odds Ratios by Larsen.

I hope I have been useful.

Please feel free to ask for more clarification to any of you interested in this topic of variance decomposition.
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Re: Multilevel Logistic Variance Decomposition (ICC)

Very informative post!

Glad to hear the data simulation was helpful. I take little credit.
Most of what I know about simulation has come directly from one of the
brilliant posters on SAS-L. For those interested in learning about
data simulation using SAS, I would strongly urge you to search the
SAS-L archives.

Data simulation has given me a much deeper appreciation of the
fundamental mechanics of various statistical models. Of course, I
still have much to learn...


On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 4:22 AM, jmdpulido <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear Ryan,
> Thanks for your answer. I always learn from your synthaxis.
> I've been reading much more about variance decomposition in multilevel
> logistic. I will post the main conclussions, just in case they are useful
> for anyone. There are several methods.
> 1) The latent variable approach (Snijders & Bosker, 1999): you have to
> assume that your observed outcome Y= 0 or Y = 1 is really a dichotomization
> of a continuous latent variable. Then you assume that this latent variable
> distributes as an Standard Logistic. The variance of an standard logistic is
> pi square divided by three. This is a reasonable approach in the absence of
> overdispersion for level-1 variance. Level 2 variance is estimated by the
> model by maximum likelihood. This is the most popular method, as it is very
> easy to compute. CIC = var(u(0j)) / (var(u(0j)) + (pi^2)/3).  Where
> var(u(0j)) is the variance of the random level 2 intercepts.
> Nevertheless, this method assumes that level-1 variance is invariant in
> absence of overdispersion, which is not always very reasonable (see Larsen
> 2006: New measures for understanding the multilevel regression model).
> Moreover, the level 2 variance (var(u(0j)) is measured in the square latent
> variable approach, thus it is not easy to interpret it in terms of p (in
> fact, for p's near 0,5 the function is very step and small changes in p lead
> to great increases in the variance, leading sometimes to wrong
> interpretantions).
> 2) The linear probability function approach (Goldstein, 2004, and Goldstein,
> 2010): it consist in estimating a multilevel linear probability model with
> random effects. This way the ML model estimates both a level 1 variance and
> a level 2 variance, measured in (square) probabilities. This method is also
> straight forward, nevetheless, it has the drawback of assumming a linear
> probability model. When running a null model (fully unconditional) that only
> depends on which level 2 unit each individual belongs it usually estimates
> plausible results. Of course, when more level 1 or level 2 predictors are
> added to the model, some problems arise, specially regarding the domain of
> the right-hand-side of the estimated equation.
> 3) The Taylor linearization approach (Goldstein, 2010): It consist on a
> first order Taylor expansion of the model. This linearization allows the
> researcher to compute an estimate of the level 1 and the level 2 variance
> both measured in (square) probability scale, based on the estimates of the
> common fixed intercept (gamma00) for all regions and the variance of the
> random level 2 disturbances (var(u(0j)). This approach estimates very
> similar results of those obtained using technique 2.
> 4) Simulation approach (Goldstein, 2010): It consist on simulate a large
> number of values for u(0j) drawn from the normal distribution with expected
> value=0 and variance=var(u(0j)). If the distribution of your u(0j) is indead
> normal, it allow you to have a bigger sample size for variance
> decomposition. Once you have this simulated u(0j)*, the variance of each
> simulated u(0j)* is just the bernouilli variance var(sim(j))=p*(1-p*). In
> order to compute p*, you just simply use the usual formula to get
> probabilities from log odds p*=(exp(u*(0j))/(1+exp(u*(0j)))
> The expected value of all this bernouilli variances is the level-1 variance,
> as in usual ANOVA decomposition. So, level-1 variance will be the simple
> average of all these var(sim(j)). This result is usually very similar than
> the one obtained by methods 2) and 3).
> Level 2 variance will be (like in regular ANOVA decomposition) var
> level-2=var(p*). Here it is usual to obtain a much smaller variance than in
> the other methods, as you are "forcing" the p* to distribute normally with a
> small variance. Nevertheless, for big samples where u(0j) is indeed normal,
> the results are similar. Problems arise when the number of level-2 units is
> small and they distribute not normally.
> 5) Alternatively to variance decomposition, there are other measures to
> judge the strength of the level-2 variability. I reccomend to take a look on
> the Interval Odds Ratios by Larsen.
> I hope I have been useful.
> Please feel free to ask for more clarification to any of you interested in
> this topic of variance decomposition.
> --
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