Value labels not working

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Value labels not working

Hector Maletta
I've run into a rather strange problem with v. 13.0. When I issue a VALUE
LABELS command with a rather long list of labels (about 100), it just
doesn't work. It doesn't create the labels, it doesn't copy the command into
the output window, it doesn't write it to the Journal. With a shorter list
of labels it seems to work nicely. I increased workspace to its maximum,
just in case, but to no avail. Next I'll try reinstalling SPSS to check for
some corruption in the software files, and try other procedures to see
whether the problem is more widespread or limited to VALUE LABELS only. In
the meantime, any ideas?

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Re: Value labels not working

Hector Maletta

I removed and reinstalled SPSS, and everything looks fine again. Sorry for
the false alarm, but it is good, I hope, to learn that these things happen
now and then.



De: Hector Maletta [mailto:[hidden email]]
Enviado el: Monday, July 10, 2006 12:26 PM
Para: '[hidden email]'
Asunto: Value labels not working

I've run into a rather strange problem with v. 13.0. When I issue a VALUE
LABELS command with a rather long list of labels (about 100), it just
doesn't work. It doesn't create the labels, it doesn't copy the command into
the output window, it doesn't write it to the Journal. With a shorter list
of labels it seems to work nicely. I increased workspace to its maximum,
just in case, but to no avail. Next I'll try reinstalling SPSS to check for
some corruption in the software files, and try other procedures to see
whether the problem is more widespread or limited to VALUE LABELS only. In
the meantime, any ideas?

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LOOP Question

Howie Harshaw
In reply to this post by Hector Maletta
Hi Folks,

I have to do a series of analyses for six different communities in one
dataset.  The communities are coded from 1 to 6.  I the past, I have
created six different filters and had lots of code.  It dawned on me
that there is a more parsimonious way of doing this, and I thought that
LOOP might work; having never used it before, I tried to adapt an
example form the syntax manual, but to no avail.  I have pasted my code
below... what have I done wrong?

LOOP #I - 1 TO 6.
COMPUTE filter_$=(Comm=#I).
VARIABLE LABEL filter_$ '(Comm=#I) (FILTER)'.
VALUE LABELS filter_$  0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'.
FORMAT filter_$ (f1.0).
FILTER BY filter_$.

FREQUENCIES /*Descriptive statistics for selected variables*/
   VARIABLES=sec01_04 Sec02_03 Sec02_06 Sec02_10 Sec02_12   Sec11_04
Sec11_09 @NEP_SCALE


Thanks for any help you can provide,

- Howie

Howard Harshaw, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Forest Resource Management
Faculty of Forestry
University of British Columbia
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Re: LOOP Question

Oliver, Richard
Well, for starters, you can't put Execute or Frequencies in a loop, since you can't put any command that reads the data in a loop. I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish with the loop, but have you considered Split File as an alternative to multiple Filter conditions?

-----Original Message-----
From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Howie Harshaw
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 3:15 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: LOOP Question

Hi Folks,

I have to do a series of analyses for six different communities in one
dataset.  The communities are coded from 1 to 6.  I the past, I have
created six different filters and had lots of code.  It dawned on me
that there is a more parsimonious way of doing this, and I thought that
LOOP might work; having never used it before, I tried to adapt an
example form the syntax manual, but to no avail.  I have pasted my code
below... what have I done wrong?

LOOP #I - 1 TO 6.
COMPUTE filter_$=(Comm=#I).
VARIABLE LABEL filter_$ '(Comm=#I) (FILTER)'.
VALUE LABELS filter_$  0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'.
FORMAT filter_$ (f1.0).
FILTER BY filter_$.

FREQUENCIES /*Descriptive statistics for selected variables*/
   VARIABLES=sec01_04 Sec02_03 Sec02_06 Sec02_10 Sec02_12   Sec11_04
Sec11_09 @NEP_SCALE


Thanks for any help you can provide,

- Howie

Howard Harshaw, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Forest Resource Management
Faculty of Forestry
University of British Columbia
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Re: LOOP Question

Howie Harshaw
Thank you Richard,

The Split File command gives me exactly what I wanted.

- Howie


Howard Harshaw, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Forest Resource Management
Faculty of Forestry
University of British Columbia

Tel: (604) 822-3970
Cell: (604) 786-3141
Email: [hidden email]

Oliver, Richard wrote:

> Well, for starters, you can't put Execute or Frequencies in a loop, since you can't put any command that reads the data in a loop. I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish with the loop, but have you considered Split File as an alternative to multiple Filter conditions?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SPSSX(r) Discussion [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Howie Harshaw
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 3:15 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: LOOP Question
> Hi Folks,
> I have to do a series of analyses for six different communities in one
> dataset.  The communities are coded from 1 to 6.  I the past, I have
> created six different filters and had lots of code.  It dawned on me
> that there is a more parsimonious way of doing this, and I thought that
> LOOP might work; having never used it before, I tried to adapt an
> example form the syntax manual, but to no avail.  I have pasted my code
> below... what have I done wrong?
> LOOP #I - 1 TO 6.
> COMPUTE filter_$=(Comm=#I).
> VARIABLE LABEL filter_$ '(Comm=#I) (FILTER)'.
> VALUE LABELS filter_$  0 'Not Selected' 1 'Selected'.
> FORMAT filter_$ (f1.0).
> FILTER BY filter_$.
> FREQUENCIES /*Descriptive statistics for selected variables*/
>    VARIABLES=sec01_04 Sec02_03 Sec02_06 Sec02_10 Sec02_12   Sec11_04
> Sec11_09 @NEP_SCALE
> Thanks for any help you can provide,
> - Howie
> _______________________________
> Howard Harshaw, Ph.D.
> Research Associate
> Forest Resource Management
> Faculty of Forestry
> University of British Columbia