help with calculating average annual percentage change in SPSS

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help with calculating average annual percentage change in SPSS

thara vardhan-2
Dear List Members

I have incidents data for 5 years as follows:

Sample Dummy Data

Year     DV Incidents  
2006        124603
2007        130088
2008        125760
2009        126323
2010        126336

How do I calculate the average annual percentage change?

Would be grateful if anyone could help me.


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Re: help with calculating average annual percentage change in SPSS

Maurice Vergeer
try this code:
compute pchange = ((dvincidents - lag(dvincidents)) / lag(dvincidents)) * 100.


On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 4:01 AM, Thara Vardhan <[hidden email]> wrote:
Dear List Members

I have incidents data for 5 years as follows:

Sample Dummy Data

Year     DV Incidents  
2006        124603
2007        130088
2008        125760
2009        126323
2010        126336

How do I calculate the average annual percentage change?

Would be grateful if anyone could help me.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Maurice Vergeer
Department of communication, Radboud University  (
PO Box 9104, NL-6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Visiting Professor Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, South Korea

Recent publications:
-Vergeer, M., Eisinga, R. & Franses, Ph.H. (forthcoming). Supply and demand effects in television viewing. A time series analysis. Communications - The European Journal of Communication Research.
-Vergeer, M. Lim, Y.S. Park, H.W. (forthcoming). Mediated Relations: New Methods to study Online Social Capital. Asian Journal of Communication.
-Vergeer, M., Hermans, L., & Sams, S. (forthcoming). Online social networks and micro-blogging in political campaigning: The exploration of a new campaign tool and a new campaign style. Party Politics.
-Pleijter, A., Hermans, L. & Vergeer, M. (forthcoming). Journalists and journalism in the Netherlands. In D. Weaver & L. Willnat, The Global Journalist in the 21st Century. London: Routledge.

maurice.vergeer (skype)

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Re: help with calculating average annual percentage change in SPSS

David Marso
Or the following which only requires doing the lag once.
IF ($CASENUM GT 1) pctchange=( dvincidents / lag(dvincidents) - 1 )*100.
HTH, David
Maurice Vergeer wrote
try this code:
compute pchange = ((dvincidents - lag(dvincidents)) / lag(dvincidents)) *


On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 4:01 AM, Thara Vardhan
<[hidden email]>wrote:

> Dear List Members
> I have incidents data for 5 years as follows:
> Sample Dummy Data
> Year     DV Incidents
> 2006        124603
> 2007        130088
> 2008        125760
> 2009        126323
> 2010        126336
> How do I calculate the average annual percentage change?
> Would be grateful if anyone could help me.
> thanks
> regards
> thara
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> _ _ _
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> legally
> entitled to do so.

Maurice Vergeer
Department of communication, Radboud University  (
PO Box 9104, NL-6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Visiting Professor Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, South Korea

Recent publications:
-Vergeer, M., Eisinga, R. & Franses, Ph.H. (forthcoming). Supply and demand
effects in television viewing. A time series analysis. *Communications - The
European Journal of Communication Research*.
-Vergeer, M. Lim, Y.S. Park, H.W. (forthcoming). Mediated Relations: New
Methods to study Online Social Capital. Asian Journal of Communication.
-Vergeer, M., Hermans, L., & Sams, S. (forthcoming). Online social networks
and micro-blogging in political campaigning: The exploration of a new
campaign tool and a new campaign style. Party Politics.
-Pleijter, A., Hermans, L. & Vergeer, M. (forthcoming). Journalists and
journalism in the Netherlands. In D. Weaver & L. Willnat, The Global
Journalist in the 21st Century. London: Routledge.

maurice.vergeer (skype)
Please reply to the list and not to my personal email.
Those desiring my consulting or training services please feel free to email me.
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Cum es damnatorum possederunt porcos iens ut salire off sanguinum cliff in abyssum?"
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Re: help with calculating average annual percentage change in SPSS

Art Kendall
In reply to this post by thara vardhan-2
Although in this instance the average change and annual growth rate for the whole length of the dataset are close, they can be different.

new file.
data list list/Year (f4)     dvincidents(f6).
begin data 
2006        124603
2007        130088
2008        125760
2009        126323
2010        126336
end data.
dataset name input.
compute pctchange1=( dvincidents / lag(dvincidents) - 1 )*100.
formats pctchange1 (pct9.2).
var labels pctchange1 'year to year pct change'.
compute nobreak = 1.
dataset declare aggfile.
aggregate outfile=aggfile /break = nobreak
    /entries = n
    /start   = first(dvincidents)
    /end     = last (dvincidents).
dataset activate aggfile.
compute periods= entries-1.
compute grosschange= ( (end /start)-1) * 100.
compute avgchange = grosschange/periods.
compute growthrate  =((end/start) **(1/periods))-1.
compute annualgrowthpct = 100*growthrate.
formats grosschange avgchange annualgrowthpct (pct7.2) growthrate (f8.5).
compute check = start*((1+growthrate)**periods).
formats check (f6).

 Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants

On 8/9/2011 10:01 PM, Thara Vardhan wrote:
Dear List Members

I have incidents data for 5 years as follows:

Sample Dummy Data

Year     DV Incidents  
2006        124603
2007        130088
2008        125760
2009        126323
2010        126336

How do I calculate the average annual percentage change?

Would be grateful if anyone could help me.


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Art Kendall
Social Research Consultants
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Random Sample

joan casellas



It is possible to select random sample of cases for different groups? I have an “age” variable and I would like to use it to select  random sample for each of the following age bands:








Thanks in advance!!!




Joan Casellas Vega                                             

Media Research Analyst

Phone: +44 20 7593 1585